Hey guys - I’m interested in trying my second cycle and was hoping that I could get some feedback.
36 years old
185 pounds
Not sure about bf% but I think it’s around 15%.
34" waist
15" arms
History: I’ve been training off and on since I was a teenager - I’ve been training HARD for the past 3-5 years or so. Just to give you an idea of where I am (it’s not spectacular but I do everything with “perfect form” and slowly to prevent any injuries and I try to pull off at least 8 reps in any set), I leg press about 400-500 pounds, I curl 100 pounds standing curl bar, I can press 85-90 pound dumbells, head cave 80-90 pound curl bar.
I’ve done one cycle with test cyp at 350mgs/wk for about 6 weeks - got some good gains (I thought) but I was not happy with my swollen breasts. Had to introduce Nolva about a week in - it helped but I think my problem was that I already had some pubertal gyno that I had not noticed before so I have to be really careful about that in my cycle.
Goal: I want to use AAS to LOOK GOOD around the pool and fill out the arms of my t-shirts really well. I would also like to increase my maximum weights in the gym. I would like to increase my weight to about 200 pounds but keep my 34 inch waist.
8 week cycle
Test prop 100mg EOD (for mass)
Masteron (prop) 100mg EOD (in the same needle - is this a bad idea to inject 2mL into the same injection point? Will it physically tear the muscle too much?) (purpose of this one is to keep or reduce my bf% during the cycle and give me some extra estrogen protection)
Nolvadex 20mg ED throughout (it’s already in my system at this dosage) and continue for a couple of weeks afterwards.
I don’t think I should use arimidex or letro during the cycle since I my levels of Nolva are already there and I should be protected - but I am open to suggestions - I cannot be too careful about my gyno getting worse because I seem to be sensitive to it.
I don’t think an 8 week cycle calls for HCG since it’s a relatively short cycle and relatively low dosages (so my balls shouldn’t shut down too badly) and I want to keep my estrogen levels down. But again, I am open to suggestions.
I want to stay away from clomid because I have heard that it can affect vision and that could be a real problem for me since I’ve had laser surgery and my eyes are not great as it is. Bottom line is I would prefer not to take the chance if it is not necessary.