I recently ran test cyp, anavar and masteron instead of primo.
I maintained muscle and increased strength (while on) in a caloric deficit & shaved a couple bf percentage points.
I shed hair enough to consider dropping mast but it leveled out. My hairline hasn’t changed but the top of my head is thinner for sure. Only noticeable to me. Will see if any of it comes back.
Overall I accomplished what I wanted to.
One liver enzyme spiked significantly, but it did come back down over about 6 weeks.
Thank you, yeah heard masteron is bad for the hair, was between primobolan and tren e but done neither before so thought I’d try primobolan with test first instead of tren.
Your going to run 1,350mg of gear per wk. with the goal of going from 12.3% BF to 10%? seems a little excessive. If your truly at 12.% @ 80kgs. Going from 12% to 10% could possibly equal less then 10lbs of BF.
IMO. I would just diet the extra BF off (-500) cals. a day and use the gear to gain muscle in the future. # WIN-WIN
Hi mate,
Thanks for reply,
Basically Bodyfat is saying 12.3%
BMI is saying 22.9%
To Be honest wasn’t too sure on what i go by but I want to get the abs popping again and want to cut the body fat. I know people be saying test and tren as tren you gain and lose body fat but can do that through diet but was seeing if many people have done a course on test and primo and got good results.
Thanks for reply as well pal any advice helps and welcome
You need to look at your training and diet man. You weigh 176 at 5’8” and you want to take a shitload of gear. Those aren’t even good natural stats. Try 250mg of test E with 20mg of Anavar for 6 weeks. Then try 180mg/week of test C split into 2 shots for a trt. Follow a legit plan on this site. Any plan ffs
My weight for my height isn’t a bad weight at all, around 12st 10 for 5ft 8 nothing wrong at all with that surely? What am I meant to weigh than 11st haha
And 600 test e a week split in 2 shots isn’t a shit load of gear? But the primo I haven’t done before and wanted recommended on the dose as researched half of the test dose for the primo.
Anavar I’ve got in 50mg tabs.
But yeah 100% gonna flip the diet up as want to lose some body fat whilst getting lean mass.
But thank you for the reply as well pal, any advice helps whether positive or negative I take it in and on board buddy.
So I’ve used Tren E twice and ran 100mgs weekly. Gains were good and sides really non existent. I won’t go over that regardless of gains. I know plenty run more but not me…IMO
Haven’t ran primo. Just test c and tren E. I’ve ran Var but didn’t like it too much. Had a weird brain fog. Yes, it was Tren E 200mg, so I ran 1/2 a ml to get 100mg with about 150mg of the Test C. Felt really good.
Tough love is what I’m going for. 600mg of test is way too much. Man on 200mg of test with a proper diet and sleep… bro you will feel like superman… I’m literally running 200mg of trt split into 2 shots… got gym rats asking what I’m on… its a joke