Cycle Advice Test,Tren,Mast

Hey I’m looking to start a Tren E, Mast E, Test E cycle. I’m thinking of going with platinum pharmaceuticals platinum blend 300mg. Dosing at .75ml Mon,Wed,Fri. 675mg/week .

So it would be
225mg/wk Tren E
225mg/wk Mast E
225mg/wk Test E

Was thinking of maybe adding some additional Test E to the cycle, running Arrimidex EOD as well.

Looking for thoughts and opinions on this cycle, what do you think I should I expect and sides to be worried about?
Never ran Tren or mast before, plenty experience with test,Eq, anavar, winstrol. So not a first timer here, just want to get everyone’s opinion on this one. Thanks T-Nation!

Pretty classic combo. Very popular balanced blend.

Tren doesn’t aromatize and mast helps with some high E2 symptoms so you really shouldn’t need an AI at all unless you up the Test a bunch.

Other than that I can’t comment much as we know nothing about you other than you’ve taken steroids before

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If you never used tren before I would suggest not using E for one thing and not using a blend.
Other than that you give 0 info about you or the goal of this cycle so bad data in gives you bad data out.

That sounds like three or more years training with AAS. I would suppose you are quite jacked. Care to post some pics, so we can get an idea what we are working with?


5’11” 225lbs 29 years old
Not sure on bmi

Goal would be cutting down ideally around 200 at the end of cycle

Adding more test a bad idea for doing a cut? Was thinking of running total test e around 375mg/ week.

So just run the AI as needed ?

for a cut this is overkill. if you just want to run those, then go for it. I had a lot of success with Test/Mast/Tren. the doses were close to your plan. but it depends on how long you want to do this and how steep your deficit is.

I do want to run those because I found a blend with the three and it’s really not bad on price, also think it would be a good cycle with the blend, so just stick to the original plan. I’d want to run 12-14wks. Thoughts on cycle length? Deficit around 500.

I’ll say it again in case you missed it. For your first time with tren do not use E. Side effects usually come 6-8 weeks in and if your using a longer ester it will take weeks to clear if you need to drop it. Also, in this case being your fist time with tren I would not use a blend. If you have to drop the tren now you have to drop all the compounds.
Don’t choose this route because of a good deal. Do it the right way, use separate compounds this time. Use trenA for 6-8 weeks max.
You also don’t mention what you are doing for diet. This will be important to know as using tren is not something you do on a low or no carb diet as it could cause hypoglycemia.

As above I would not run the tren that long. 8 weeks is a good number. Tren is pretty toxic and also comes with the possibility of mental sides the longer you are on.
Start the cycle with test/mast, run that for 6 weeks and then add the tren in.

Don’t just choose an arbitrary 500cal deficit. Start with 200-250 and run that for a few weeks, when loss stalls for a week drop another 250.

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Alright so no I’m thinking of changing the whole set up…

Test P 300/wk
Mast P 200/wk
NPP 200/wk

Dividing up into 3 pins a week

Running for 10weeks

Decided against the tren and going NPP instead
Was reading similar results easier on the body, think I’ll just wait for tren or maybe just steer clear I hear a lot of good but also a lot of bad with the tren.

Also thought maybe some anavar and Winstrol as well but that might be doing too much.

Think this will get some good results are the doses around where they should be on a cycle like this ? I’m ready to get this ordered up! Appreciate the help guys

Also never ran any short esters before only Enanthate so any advice with running short esters would be appreciated

You need to on ED or EOD.
Mon/wed/fri is not EOD.
10 weeks, that’s a lot of pinning.

post a current physique pic

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You’ll get results using Test only, but yeah this will get “results” whatever that means.

I’d say take what you need to get the job done. If that’s all three of these in these doses, do it up, for as long as you need to be taking them. If this is just kinda recreational for you and you don’t have such defined goals, I’d just keep it simple. Test/Mast or Test/Primo as high and as long as you care to take it.