Wk 1-10 Test E 500mg split twice per week
Wk 1-2 Dbol 40mg ED
Wk 3-4 Dbol 30mg ED
Nolva PCT
Arimidex on hand
Day 1- took Dbol and realized I had the wrong needles.
Day 2- got correct needles and had first injection of test. Nervous as hell daughter banged on bathroom door and I forgot to expel air from needle. Went to stick my self and my reflexes went crazy. I poked the needle in my butt three times in quick succession. EXTREMELY bad PIP. Hurt for four days.
Day 3- Took 1mg Arimidex. Felt like shit all afternoon and next day like I was sick
Day 5- Took Arimex 1 mg. Felt like shit all day and next day was sick. Looked into Arimidex and see that I’m an idiot. No reason to take if I don’t need and much lower dose required. 2nd injection went fine. Very little PIP.
Day 7- Amazing pumps at Gym. Looking more muscular. Haven’t gained much weight. Might need to increase caloric intake slightly.
Day 8- 3rd injection pulled out needle and blood went everywhere. Hope that’s not a bad sign. Definitely worried me. Did I aspirate properly? Should I be aspirating?
(Have to buy one more bottle of test for 10 week cycle and due to purchase minimums will have to buy something else. Any suggestions for something to throw in during week 5 after Dbol?)
This post will probably make the vets cringe or laugh. But maybe it’ll serve of some help to other rookies like me and maybe they won’t make some of the same mistakes or if they do they can see that theyre not going to die. Other people have done dumb shit too.