Update. I would like to thank Rxx and Buds for the responses to my questions. I started Monday and everything is going well. Have a couple trivial questions I would like some input on as well.
This is what I went with.
Week 1-10: Test e 400 mg. 2 200 mg pins a week Monday and Thursday. Going to see how I feel around week 4 and maybe bump the dosage up to 500 if I have no sides. Also will run it 2 more weeks for a total of 12 as long as everything is going well.
weeks 1-4: dbol 30mg / Taking milk thistle for liver support
weeks 1-12: HCG 250 IU’s on jab days for a total of 500 IU’s a week
weeks 1-12: Adex .25 eod
PCT starting week 13:
week 1: clomid 100mg, Nova 40mg
week 2: clomid 100mg, Nova 40mg
week 3: clomid 50mg, Nova 20mg
week 4: clomid 50mg, Nova 20mg
Here is some info about how everything is going and my training
I had my first pin Monday in the right quad. I will admit I have never been fond of needles but it really wasn’t that bad. I used a 1 inch 25 gauge needle. My quad was sore as shit the next 3 days but I have heard that is pretty common for the first couple times pinning a site, just got to soldier up and deal with it. I pin the hcg right after sub q and those are nothing.
Thursday I pinned the other quad and same deal sore as shit but oh well. Think I will play twister with myself and do my glutes next week again using the 25 gauge 1 inch. I would like to try delts but I am waiting on some different slin pins. The ones I have are only .5 cc’s which would require 3 jabs a week instead of 2 since I am running a little over 3/4 a cc 2 jabs a week for 400.
Stuff I have is 250 mg/cc. Not that the extra jab is a huge deal but I can wait a week for the pins to get here. I did have 1 fuck up Thursday pinning though. I pinned the test first right after I showered, I cleaned the injection site, and had a good pin. It was only when I started to wipe the hcg vial down with alcohol that it came to me that I never wiped the test vial down before drawing.
A rookie mistake for sure, probably not that big of a deal but I like to be as sterile as possible.
I really noticed the dbol kicking in already in my workout Thursday. My only previous cycle was a 6 week dbol only cycle so I know what to expect from it ( I know I know try not to blast me to hard). Honestly though I had good results from it putting on 15 lbs and keeping 10 of it. Speaking of which I have already put on 5 lbs with 4 lbs of that probably being water retention from dbol and creatine.
I am doing a 4 day split with one day off then resuming. 1. chest 2. back 3. shoulders and legs 4. triceps, biceps, and forearms 5. off 1. resume .I have an A and B workout for each muscle group as well that I will be alternating between to keep some muscle confusion going.
Now that I have bored everyone to death with my 1 week update I have a couple questions if anyone is still awake lol.
Glute pinning. I usually watch some videos of each site before I pin just to verify the correct spots and I know the glute spot is the upper right quadrant of the right glute. My question is that even though I am low in body fat the side of my glute seems kind of fatty. Do you guys flex the muscle a little before pinning to make sure it gets im. I was thinking flexing draws the cheek in which would change the pinning site closer to the sciatic nerve and I sure as shit don’t want to come close to that. I am probably over analyzing this and would be fine with doing the more squishy outer part without flexing just wondering if anyone has some input on this.
Is it ok to be running creatine and dbol at the same time. Water retention seems to be quite high already 5 lbs in 5 days. I was thinking about upping the adex to .25 every day instead of every other while running dbol to help with water retention. Some people say adex makes them feel goofy but I havn’t noticed anything yet.
Training. My current plan has me working out pretty much 6 days a week. I work out about 1 -1.5 hours a session using the program I posted above. Do you think that is too much training and not enough rest? Or maybe not enough, I could for instance put biceps with back and triceps with chest making for a 3 day split which would allow me to get a lot more volume in as far as training. I know I have to listen to my body, but right now with the dbol kicking in I feel like I could lift all day.
This is me being paranoid. As I stated above I am pretty good about being sterile but I would like to be prepared incase something does go wrong. What do I need to be watching for as far as infection, or abscess from pinning and what do I do about it if I am unlucky enough to get one? Have some of you experienced guys ever had to deal with these, how common are they?
Thanks for any input