I just finished up my first cycle not too long ago, Im also 21 years old. I started cycling for different reasons though; I fucked up my system trying pro hormones a few years ago, and was just tired of feeling like shit. Anyway, being 21, or any age for that matter, you are always taking a risk.
There is no way to tell how your body will react to the hormones, because everyone is different. From personal experience though, I would say that I am very happy that I cycled, I have no regrets. My cycle would up being laid out like this:
1-4 DBol 20-30mg/day
1-15 Test E 500mg/wk (weeks 4-9 or 10 I was doing 750mg/wk)
6-16 HCG 500iu/wk
*I had arimidex on hand, but did not really start using it until around week 5-6 due to stiff joints from high estrogen (0.5mg E3D)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50/50
I would recommend kick starting your cycle with some DBol. It can be a low dose like what I did, and at that low of a dose you still get the pump and strength in the gym, but without all the side effects. The pump on DBol was amazing.
One of the most important things that you need to get into the habit of doing, especially because you are so young, and this is your first time touching hormones, is getting blood work done. Get blood work done before your cycle to have a baseline of where your levels are at, that way you have levels to compare to when figuring out weather you recovered fully or not. Get blood work done about 6 weeks in, and then get blood work done 2-3 weeks after PCT.
The blood work isnt absolutely necessary after PCT, but if youre not feeling 100 % itd be something worth doing. Definitely get blood work done before and during though, I strongly recommend that. About 6 weeks into my cycle I started having really bad joint stiffness, to the point when I had to wake up several time a night just to move my shoulders. If I had not gotten blood work done, I would not have known that this was due to high estrogen.
Another thing I would recommend doing is the HCG. It may not be necessary, but I attribute my quick and easy recovery to the HCG. I honestly feel better than I did before I cycled, and I think the HCG played a big part in that. If you can get it I would use it, you’ll be glad you did.
I have no regrets about cycling, I recovered fine, and I am planning to start another cycle in august. Just make sure you understand the side effects that come along with using gear. Probably the only side effect that I forgot about was hair loss, and about 10 weeks in I started experiencing that. And it is not fun. Not everyone experiences hair loss though, it all depends on whether or not MPB runs in your family. That was really the only side effect I experienced though. I had no gyno issues or anything like that.
I gained about 25 lbs on my cycle. The water weight made my face fat as fuck. I wouldnt start taking your Adex too early unless you decide to do the dbol, you dont want to crash your estrogen levels. You can wait 2-3 weeks.
Im just speaking off of personal experience, I am by no means an expert. Youre going to learn a lot during your first cycle. The only thing I would tell you to seriously consider is the HCG. It will make such a difference with recovery. Good luck