Dear All,
I am planning a Test / Deca / Dbol / Winstrol Cycle and I need your input on it.
Body Status:
- Height ==> 170 cm
- Weight ==> 92 kg
- Body Fat ==> around 21% (Tested only with body analyzer - no water weighing ever)
Cycle Layout:
- Length ==> 16 Weeks
- Gear ==> Test Cypionate / Deca / Dbol / Winstrol
- Ancillaries ==> Adex / Caber / legalon
Gear & Ancillaries Intervals:
- ==> Test C @ 400 mg/ W - in 2 divided doses [Fri 6 pm. & Tue 6 am.] =======> (WEEKS 1- 16)
- ==> Deca @ 400 mg/ W - in 2 divided doses [Fri 6 pm. & Tue 6 am.] =======> (WEEKS 1- 14)
- ==> Dbol @ 30 mg/ Day - in 3 divided doses [6 am. - 2 pm - 10 pm] =======> (WEEKS 1- 4)
- ==> Winstrol @ ??? (WEEKS ??? )
- ==> Adex @ 2 mg/ W - in 4 divided doses [Fri 6 pm - Sun 12 pm - Tue 6 am - Thu 12 am] =======> (WEEKS 1- 16)
- ==> Caber @ 0.5 mg/W - in 2 divided doses [Fri 6 pm. & Tue 6 am.] =======> (WEEKS 1- 16)
- ==> Legalon @ 1 Tap/Day
- ==> Still planning diet. However, I would like some help on an approximate suitable caloric daily intake that maximizes the benefit of the cycle.
- ==> none - I’m going back to my TRT dose of 100 mg Test E / Week. I also have some Merional amps ( 75 iu LH & 75 iu FSH). I’m planning to take 1 amp / Week
Questions & Concerns:
==> I would like to finish off with Winstrol to add hardness to my gains.
When should I start adding Winstrol? which weeks? and at what doses??
What doses should I use for oral / injectable Winstrol? Which form is better?
==> I have dosed Adex at 2 mg/ W based on the amount of aromatizable gear I am using.
Is 2 mg/ W enough / too much ?
==> I have some Letrozol at hand and I thought since cycle gear is very strong and almost all compounds aromaize, Letro would be more effective in combating E2 conversion. since I am E2 sensitive. However, even if Letro is acceptable there comes the dosing problem. The Letro (Femara) pills are so small and come in 2.5 mgs. It is very hard to divide the pill in 4 equal parts, weighing 0.62 mg each. There is another way . That is to dissolve the Femara pill into alcohol or vodca at 2.5 mg / 1 ml alcohol . Then you dispense by a dropper after you count how many drops in 1 ml. This way you can dose as low as you wish. In my case, I have counted 30 drops in each ml of alcohol (Dropper Dependent). This way each drop of the femara solution has 0.083 mg Letro in it. You add / take away drops as you desire.
Is it possible to use Letro in such a way with this cycle? Pills or solution? at what doses / intervals?
Thank you