Can you please rip this cycle apart and give me some advice. I?ve done a few cycles before, test, deca and D-bol with good results. Last one app 2,5 years ago. Now I?m going for a cycle for mainly strength.( If I get much bigger I have to buy new dive gear and a tailor made wetsuit, expensive)
Week 1. Mon and Thur
Test enanthate 500 Mg + 200 Mg Deca
Week 2-6. Mon and Thur
Test Enanthate 250Mg + 100Mg Deca
Week 7-8 EOD
Test propionate 200Mg
Week 3-9 100Mg Winstrol (injectable)
My main question is regarding the Winstrol, ideally I should inject twice a day but I don?t feel like that so what would be the best option?
1.Inject 100Mg in the morning.
2.Inject 100 Mg an hour or so before training.
3.Inject 50Mg in the morning and 75Mg oral Winstrol before training.
I have never used Winstrol, have heard it?s a quite painful injection. How bad is it? Is it only temporarily or will it affect the legworkout if I inject just before training.
Regarding the Deca, will Eq give the same ?jointprotection? if so, I?ll rather use that.
Yes, I will have Nolvadex at hand and I will use HCG 250 IU, Sat and Sun during the cycle. Clomid postcycle of course.
My stats.
45 years old, have trained for app. 30 years. 180 Cm and 104 Kg (5?11 230 Pounds) 13-14 % bodyfat, 7 site calipertest, (have probably a bit more,carry quite a bit in my “lovehandles” and lower back.)
I would knock the Test down to just 500mg/week total. The rest looks pretty fair. I would the Winny 2-3 hours before you train if possible. Also, maybe shorten the Winny to weeks 5-9. Are you using Arimidex with your cycle? Think about getting some if not. Maybe throw in a little GH if you have access to it. At 45, the love handles are pretty hardy and the Gh will help you out in conjuction with your cycle.
Scorp gave some pretty sound advice. Since you’re still “new” (this only being you 2nd cycle) you don’t need a gram of test per week. I usually don’t go over 500mg of test.
I love EQ. I’m in the middle of a cycle with it right now, in fact. If substituting the deca with EQ is an option, then I would definitely do that.
Regarding the winny injections, I don’t know. I’ve only done winny one time and it was oral, so perhaps someone else can answer that one for you.
personally I like deca better than equipoise. Thats my opinion. I like your cycle. The ideal of tapering off the deca is a good one. I think weeks 7-9 you can cut your prop dose in half. And I also think if you are doing injectable winny, 50mg per day should be enough.
As for the winny injection, I only use zambons and they are painless. I can’t speak for the other ug or vet products.P-22
I like the EQ better than Deca myself. Of course that is individual taste speaking. The pumps are far better, the endurance is better with EQ in my system. Deca tends to bloat this good ole boy. I would have concur with P22 on the Winny going to 50mg instead of 100mg. Same goes for the Prop.
Week 1. Mon and Thur
Test enanthate 500 Mg + 200 Mg Deca
Week 2-6. Mon and Thur
Test Enanthate 250Mg + 100Mg Deca
Week 7-8 EOD
Test propionate 200Mg
Week 3-9 100Mg Winstrol (injectable)
As you see it’s only the first week I’m taking a gram, rest of the cycle is 500/week, except the last two weeks when I take 200 EOD, I wanted to keep a constant level of test to the end of the cycle.
Regarding the Winstrol. Would I get similar gains with 50 as with 100 MG/week? Winstrol is very cheap here, I can get Zambon for app. 2,50$ per 50Mg vial. If they’re out of Zambon there’s always the Thai Winstrol, about the same price. Supposed to be good, I’ve been told by people that have used the stuff.
Arimidex I don’t have, I’m using Nolvadex instead.
Ps. If you read my first post it says I’ve done a FEW cycles before. This is my 4:th. My first one was app. 8 years ago and the last 2,5 years ago.
Scorp and I read your cycle correctly. Like we said, decrease the test prop in the last week - there is no need to do 800mg, and yes I would advise either 50mg per day of zambon winstrol, or 75 mg per day of thai winstrol tabs. Nolva is fine. P-22
Here’s how I would reorganize your cycle. First off, because you’re not in your 20s anymore, testicular recovery can be an issue. So, I would recommend not going beyond 8 weeks. Ideally 6 weeks.
With the same amount of gear, if I were you I’d do this for 8 weeks:
Week 1. Mon and Thur
Test enanthate 500 Mg + 200 Mg Deca
Test propionate 100Mg
Week 2-6. Mon and Thur
Test Enanthate 250Mg + 100Mg Deca