Ok folks here goes. I once did some 1AD for about 10 weeks. I ended up gaining 25lbs and my strength numbers went up pretty good. I did it because it was cheap and legal. I enjoyed it.
Now I am two months away from 30years old and I’m lifting as hard as ever and having fun in the iron game. I’ve decided to delve into the dark side. I found some on-line overseas on-line pharmacies that one of the contributers here has several articles on. I’m nervous about that but I have been assured that it is legit.
I’ve been researching gear for three years off and on and don’t feel that I’m dumb but also want a second opinion. Some may slam me for not upping the dosages especially for my size I’m 6ft 3in and weight 242lbs. I’m fairly strong for a gym guy but not nearly as strong as some of you horses here nor even close to as strong as I want to be. I want to gain some quality mass on this cycle along with some solid strength. I plan to use weights that are moderately heavy and try to get more and more reps with those weights while cycling. I’m doing this to save the joints (hopefully).
Here is the planned cycle
Weeks 1-3
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg dianabol
15 mg winstrol
Weeks 4-??? plan to go until I have gained 25lbs
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg winstrol
after 25lbs gained I plan to do two weeks at 100mg test no winstrol
Two weeks after the last shot of test my PST plan is to take 50mg of Clomid a day for three weeks.
I read in a A. Roberts article that a low dose of winstrol can help free up more testosterone in the system and thus make a cycle more potent.
I included the dianabol the first three weeks to kick start the process of gains before the test “kicks in”
Okay, I might be wrong with my assesment, and if I am I’m sure those much more knowledgable than me will chime in and correct me.
I think that 250 mgs of Test E per week is more of an HRT dose. That might shut your natural production down, but chances are it won’t be enough to give you the gains you want. Same thing with the Winstrol. 15 mgs/day doesn’t sound like enough either. I’ve ran that at 25 mgs, and all it did was make my joints hurt. I’d say nothing less than 50 mgs/day, but personally I will never use Winny again. Just don’t like the feeling of having my tendons hurt all the damn time.
As for the D-Bol, I have no comment. I don’t know enough about it and have never used it.
But notice that I am also asking for a critque on my next cycle.
[quote]Anabolics wrote:
Ok folks here goes. I once did some 1AD for about 10 weeks. I ended up gaining 25lbs and my strength numbers went up pretty good. I did it because it was cheap and legal. I enjoyed it.
Now I am two months away from 30years old and I’m lifting as hard as ever and having fun in the iron game. I’ve decided to delve into the dark side. I found some on-line overseas on-line pharmacies that one of the contributers here has several articles on. I’m nervous about that but I have been assured that it is legit.
I’ve been researching gear for three years off and on and don’t feel that I’m dumb but also want a second opinion. Some may slam me for not upping the dosages especially for my size I’m 6ft 3in and weight 242lbs. I’m fairly strong for a gym guy but not nearly as strong as some of you horses here nor even close to as strong as I want to be. I want to gain some quality mass on this cycle along with some solid strength. I plan to use weights that are moderately heavy and try to get more and more reps with those weights while cycling. I’m doing this to save the joints (hopefully).
Here is the planned cycle
Weeks 1-3
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg dianabol
15 mg winstrol
Weeks 4-??? plan to go until I have gained 25lbs
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg winstrol
after 25lbs gained I plan to do two weeks at 100mg test no winstrol
Two weeks after the last shot of test my PST plan is to take 50mg of Clomid a day for three weeks.
I read in a A. Roberts article that a low dose of winstrol can help free up more testosterone in the system and thus make a cycle more potent.
I included the dianabol the first three weeks to kick start the process of gains before the test “kicks in”
Ok now is time for your input. Thank you.
I think you can subtract the Dianabol and winstrol from the cycle, and only use testosterone.
[quote]ag-guys wrote:
Anabolics wrote:
Ok folks here goes. I once did some 1AD for about 10 weeks. I ended up gaining 25lbs and my strength numbers went up pretty good. I did it because it was cheap and legal. I enjoyed it.
Now I am two months away from 30years old and I’m lifting as hard as ever and having fun in the iron game. I’ve decided to delve into the dark side. I found some on-line overseas on-line pharmacies that one of the contributers here has several articles on. I’m nervous about that but I have been assured that it is legit.
I’ve been researching gear for three years off and on and don’t feel that I’m dumb but also want a second opinion. Some may slam me for not upping the dosages especially for my size I’m 6ft 3in and weight 242lbs. I’m fairly strong for a gym guy but not nearly as strong as some of you horses here nor even close to as strong as I want to be. I want to gain some quality mass on this cycle along with some solid strength. I plan to use weights that are moderately heavy and try to get more and more reps with those weights while cycling. I’m doing this to save the joints (hopefully).
Here is the planned cycle
Weeks 1-3
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg dianabol
15 mg winstrol
Weeks 4-??? plan to go until I have gained 25lbs
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg winstrol
after 25lbs gained I plan to do two weeks at 100mg test no winstrol
Two weeks after the last shot of test my PST plan is to take 50mg of Clomid a day for three weeks.
I read in a A. Roberts article that a low dose of winstrol can help free up more testosterone in the system and thus make a cycle more potent.
I included the dianabol the first three weeks to kick start the process of gains before the test “kicks in”
Ok now is time for your input. Thank you.
I think you can subtract the Dianabol and winstrol from the cycle, and only use testosterone.
Thank you. I appreciate the honest feedback. Are you the AG-Guys from the website?
Is there a reason that you picked 250 of test? most people use 500 especially at your size i think that would be best. And also have yout thought about a frontload? Just my 2 cents.
For a first cycle I would drop the d-ball and winnny,run 500mg of the test a week,250 Sunday-250 Thursday,for 10 weeks. 250 a week is basically an hrt dose. Also make sure you have your pct in line,40mg.nolva ed for 1week,20mg.nolva ed for 3 more weeks starting 2 weeks after your last test inject.
I also like using Alpha Male in my pct. Make sure you have your diet and training in line. Hope this helps!
I am far from an expert, so they more enlightened will definitely be more help. Why arent you frontloading, or kickstarting with test prop? I definitely would use more test, and cut the d-bol out completely. D-bol is extremely toxic, and nowhere near as effective as a test prop kickstart. I would definitely use a higher dose of test e as well, 250mg isn’t going to be enough to justify the risk of taking a cycle in the first place, IMO. I would like to see what some of the more expert have to say about it.
Week1)Test E 500mg, D-bol 20mg e/d
Week2)Test E 375mg, D-bol 20mg e/d
Week3)Test E 375mg, D-bol 20mg e/d
Weeks4-8) Test E 375mg
Weeks9-10)Test E 250mg, Win 25-50mg e/d
Weeks11-12)Win 25-50mg e/d
Weeks13-15) Pct
I would advise something similar to the layout above to achieve your desired goals. You mention about joint health being an issue, winny can and does cause tendon pain for many. I would compare it to decca as many people hate it with a passion and there are those that swear by it. If possible I would highly reccomend substituting anavar for the winny at 30-40mg e/d as it acts as an excellent bridge between clearence time and pct, and is also not harshe on your joints. The d-bol could also be extended to 4 weeks as 20mg e/d is relatively low, but would still provide you with an excellent quickstart. No need to go any higher on the test dosage as low to moderate dosages can be used for your first cycle and gains can still be excellent based on your cal intake. Best of luck with whatever you decide-
I want to thank you all for your insight and input. It is helpful.
This is my first cycle that is why I’m trying to do it at a low dose. I want to see what my body does on a low amount of the stuff. Reason for the Winny is I read an article by A. Roberts on meso rx about how taking a low dose of oral winny will cause more of the testosterone to be available. I figure it will help the low doseage of test.
The D-bol is for the kickstart and from what I’ve read the low doseage of dbol won’t be all that toxic and the low dosage of winny won’t be too hard on the joints. I plan to up my fish oil supplementation from 9 to 12 grams a day to 12 to 15 a day and my diet and training have been pretty good for a long time.
I’ll keep you posted. I plan to run this for approx 10 to 12 maybe 14 weeks. I have nova on the way as I’ve been convinced it is a better pct.
I’ve already decided to run anavar through out my next cycle along with the test (next cycle may be larger dose) and possibly winny. We will see how this first one goes as far as how much test will be used next time.
I plan to run two cycles between now and this time next year. From there I will see how I feel. I’ve been thinking about doing this since I was a kid. I held off until almost thirty, I take things slowly, obviously. Once I’m comfortable that is a different story. I may decide to go all out after the first two cycles.
[quote]magick62d wrote:
For a first cycle I would drop the d-ball and winnny,run 500mg of the test a week,250 Sunday-250 Thursday,for 10 weeks. 250 a week is basically an hrt dose. Also make sure you have your pct in line,40mg.nolva ed for 1week,20mg.nolva ed for 3 more weeks starting 2 weeks after your last test inject.
I also like using Alpha Male in my pct. Make sure you have your diet and training in line. Hope this helps![/quote]
I have contemplated using Alpha Male and I think that I’ll go with that recommendation. Thank you.
Really HRT? I was under the understanding they gave a person 100mg a week for HRT. That would make this 2.5 times that. I could be wrong.
I’m going to see what a low dose does for a first cycle. I’ll probably bump it up next cycle depending on the results of this one. Next cycle will definately include anavar and if the winny does not hurt my joints this time I’ll keep the low dose of winny for the extra availability of test.
Have you guys read the article by A. Roberts on meso rx talking about taking a low dosage of oral winny for extra availability of test?
What are your thoughts?
I’ve also read numerous times by Cy, Brock, and a few others that the liver toxicity in lower doses is pretty insignificant. That if you compare it to a drinker or smoker it is nil in comparison. If that is the case the quality of life I’ll get from this makes it worth the small risk. Especially when I live a healthy life and eat well. My liver is probably in pretty darn good shape.
[quote]mdragon wrote:
ag-guys wrote:
Anabolics wrote:
Ok folks here goes. I once did some 1AD for about 10 weeks. I ended up gaining 25lbs and my strength numbers went up pretty good. I did it because it was cheap and legal. I enjoyed it.
Now I am two months away from 30years old and I’m lifting as hard as ever and having fun in the iron game. I’ve decided to delve into the dark side. I found some on-line overseas on-line pharmacies that one of the contributers here has several articles on. I’m nervous about that but I have been assured that it is legit.
I’ve been researching gear for three years off and on and don’t feel that I’m dumb but also want a second opinion. Some may slam me for not upping the dosages especially for my size I’m 6ft 3in and weight 242lbs. I’m fairly strong for a gym guy but not nearly as strong as some of you horses here nor even close to as strong as I want to be. I want to gain some quality mass on this cycle along with some solid strength. I plan to use weights that are moderately heavy and try to get more and more reps with those weights while cycling. I’m doing this to save the joints (hopefully).
Here is the planned cycle
Weeks 1-3
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg dianabol
15 mg winstrol
Weeks 4-??? plan to go until I have gained 25lbs
250mg test ethenate per week
15 mg winstrol
after 25lbs gained I plan to do two weeks at 100mg test no winstrol
Two weeks after the last shot of test my PST plan is to take 50mg of Clomid a day for three weeks.
I read in a A. Roberts article that a low dose of winstrol can help free up more testosterone in the system and thus make a cycle more potent.
I included the dianabol the first three weeks to kick start the process of gains before the test “kicks in”
Ok now is time for your input. Thank you.
I think you can subtract the Dianabol and winstrol from the cycle, and only use testosterone.
Thank you. I appreciate the honest feedback. Are you the AG-Guys from the website?
This keeps it simple and saves you money on the winny. i dont think you need it and your joints will thank you. this cycle should yield some nice gains for you if diet and training are good to go. 500 mg of test is a very normal dose for people to use for a first cycle and i think you will be happier you went higher.