Test & Deca cycle, help?

Hello guys, I’m 27 years old. 6ft and 187lbs.
Bench PR is 265 and squat 352. I’ve been cruising on test before but I’ve had a break now for 3/4 months and have decided I want to cycle. How does this sound?

150mg Test E, 75mg Deca & 0.5 Armidex Monday, 150mg Test E, 75mg Deca & 0.5mg Armidex Thursday. So that’s 300 Test and 150 Deca weekly. (I have a little gyno, that’s why I’m thinking Armidex)
I was thinking of running 12-16w cycle.

2 weeks in start HCG (to keep the sperm and testosterone production going during cycle) every 3/4 day until the last injection of Test.

2 weeks after last Test injection I start Nolva 40/40/20/20

This is good. Make sure you get bloods after 5 weeks and adjust arimidex as needed. 12 weeks is fine. Remember the longer you are the harder it is to recover to where you were.
Get some nolvadex in case gyno flares up.

Don’t run HCG on cycle. Your balls are still shut down from the exogenous test. It just keeps seamen volume higher. It’s also gonna raise estrogen. Your balls won’t atrophy on a 12 week cycle. If your on TRT it may be a different story. Start HCG after PCT is complete if you think you need it.

Wait 3 weeks and you need a bit more robust PCT

Thanks man, great answer. This is gonna sound ignorant but how do I know I need to adjust the armidex? I have no clue what values I’m supposed have.

What do you have in mind for pct?

You would either go off feel if your experienced enough or when you get bloods there will be a range. You will be above as estrogen numbers will follow test but the goal would be to not let it get out of control. You can post numbers in this thread and we can help.

I would go 60/60/40/40/20/20/10/10
I am not a pct guy so maybe others will chime in but I would start higher and go longer.

Okey man! Thank you very much. Always good to get some input.

I’d way 4-5 weeks, longer since you’re taking Nandrolone Decanoate and it has a longer ester. you’re starting your PCT way too soon.

I’d make that PCT 6-8 weeks as well

Okey so you recommend starting Nolva 4-5 weeks after I pinned last time?
Is that because the Deca has such a long halflife or?