So a little about me is I’m 25 I’ve been lifting for the 5 years and I’m 5,6 205lbs around 15%bf…currently. When I started I was 195 fat and dropped down to 160 10%(4 years ago). Last year I got to 195lbs 10% bf then I took a about a year break, and lost some size and got a chunky, but i was able to put on the size I had on previously pretty quick. Thanks to test E and grinding. I’ve been using test and used a couple cycles before the break so Ik a lil bit. Anyways…. I’m wanting to do a cycle (dbol) and I’ve been using test for a lil bit now and have a good test base. I’m on a push pull leg split and I go to the gym 6 days a week. I also don’t have a problem w eating I’m a fat kid at heart who just been getting jacked over the last few years but I’m not where k wanna be yet…I’m still learning (I wanna be 225 at 5,6 10%)
I’m wanting to take 400 test and maybe throw some dbol (50mg) for 6 weeks, but I’ll start out w like 25mg for the first week and see how my body reacts. I really don’t see a whole lot of side effect from previous cycles, but I’m prone to estrogenic side effect…probably due to me having gyno naturally before even messing w compounds. Yes, I do take an estrogen blocker armidex 2x a week (1mg) as of rn. I really want to put on as much size as I can and I’ve talked to many ppl to get their opinions on it. I’ve had some tell me to add a peptide such as mk677 to the cycle and maybe even eq really just because I already have it but never ran it. (200mg). I’m just curious on what I could do to get the most gains or size and how to keep on the size more… or how much I should take of eq if I do plan on taking eq and a peptide… just kinda want more opinions rn I’m just getting ready to take the cycle but wanna be prepared…