Test/Deca/Dbol Blast. 24 Yrs Old, 5'6", 135 Pounds

Hey guys,
Newbie here.
Did light begginner cycle of 350mg Test E for 16 weeks, no pct
Moved to trt 200mg Test E for 8 weeks
Simply to learn E control and how to dial myself in, dose response, and to test allergies
During cycle and after tried aromasin and nolva to get a handle on them
24 y/o

Started March 2021
BMI 10%

Currently Dec 2021
BMI 10%

Didn’t want to jump on 500mgs to start, wanted to take a more progressive approach from the get go

That being said I’ts been over half year and looking to upgrade from ramen noodle status and run a real cycle now that I have dipped my toes in the waters I have a decent core and better strength, my form is incredible compared to before, mind muscle connections are real now, also I look much better since trt but I want to seriously size up after these 8 weeks.

I’m already super lean, been lean all my life, this entire past year I have worked on dialing in diet.
Going from eating like a bird to eating 4 square meals a day, 3000 calories, 120+G Protien, and God knows how many supplements

Lifting on trt has been going well 5 days per week,
Push pull legs numbers slowly climbing
Lifting on cycle is amazing 7 days per week
Push pull legs everything jumps daily lol

Have found out what works and doesn’t for me in most cases, but now I am ready to use some gear at real doses. I want to crank things up and put on some decent mass.
Now heres where we get serious boys…
Money is not a problem, can get what I need but I basically have everything under the sun bought and on hand…
From the drawer of goodies I currently have this written out…

Week 1-22 500mg Test E per week (Wed/Sun)
Week 1-20 250mg Deca per week (Wed/Sun)
Week 1-5 20mg Dbol ED
Week 1-22 12.5mg Aromasin EoD (ED if needed)
Week 2-22 .25 Caber on pins (Wed/Sun)

Should I up the deca for better gains?
Do my Ai doses look decent for dbol?

Nolva and Ralox on hand if need be during cycle,
but I do want to avoid if possible because Estrogen is best for gains, SERM replacements will slow progress to an extent but stop any un wanted problems that do occur .

That’s it, really just want to have some guys who know what their doing over look my run before I go ahead with it !

Any input is appreciated, thank you greatly
Don’t rip me apart to bad lol
Happy holidays, WE ALL GONNA MAKE IT BRUHS! :blue_heart:

Please correct me if i’m wrong… you started lifting 8 months ago and have already taken 6 months of steroids and now want more?

Please post a picture or two of your progress. I am interested to see what 10% BF looks like


First off, you are 24. That is pretty young to be doing this stuff. You went straight to TRT, when you likely didn’t need it. If you want to blast and cruise, that is fine, just understand, that TRT is likely in your future until you die.

Second, you started using gear at 120 lbs. Why? You could have gotten to at least 150 lbs IMO before using gear.

Don’t do Deca. It is unnecessary, and has a lot more potential downsides than Test. If you were a high level guy, then maybe, but you’re 135 lbs. You are also 24, don’t fuck your dick up for some gains.

Also skip the dbol. If you want to look full just use more Test.

Your cycle is pretty long too. Again, if you are going to blast and cruise, that is a personal decision, but I don’t know if you have thought all this though. It sounds like in total you are going to be on for close to a year.


Honestly wouldn’t take this unless labs/symptoms pop up. And drop the Dbol, test+nand should be plenty for cycle 2.

Edit: should also mention, do you have anything on hand for BP issues, HCT increase, etc? Lipids may get fucked up, what do you have to help with that?

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Correcting you,
I did not start lifting 8 months ago I have been lifting for 3 years

Not even for 1 year with low dose AAS, basically trt

And Fuck yes I want more! I am not even 150 on the scale and for the small guys gear is the edge to make gains you could otherwise not acquire anyone who uses truly knows this. Especially with low T you’ll go no where.

I understand genetic potential is a thing but I’m not looking to turn to a 200+ pound monster and blow my organs out. I just want to become aesthetic in a reasonably safe manner

I am not looking to be judged negatively, I understand my choices. I have chosen trt for life already, fully understood. Want to say fuck it, and blast n cruise.
I have thoroughly thought my decisions thru and my life has become nothing but optimized since I made these choices.

I am simply looking for an intellectual outlook in response to the cycle I have set up, if you don’t agree I understand your opinion brother but this is my life to live was just hoping to get some insight !

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Thank you brother appreciate that, will be keeping a close eye on Estro
This is all just foresight and will apply the steps when needed, if their not needed than won’t take said doses

Also no, nothing for blood pressure never really had an issue up till now
Only had a bloody nose one time and figured it was due to my work environment, in the kitchen

Blood work in 2 weeks before I run this cycle in the new year by the way , trt till than

Yes sir, trt for life completely understood.
Got this from the get go and am willing to accept these cards!

Also I was low T to begin with I’m assuming because I was a careless during puberty and never optimized my health and stayed low from that point on
Started trt to fix this about a year ago now,

Skip the Dbol, understood
Your the second to say this so I will be dropping it out of cycle .

Also yes cycle is long because deca nandrolone is a long acting drug , and my doses are fairly conservative
500 test and only 250 deca
All split, seems low enough to push the time frame no?

I am for the longer cycles if you are blast and cruise.

If you are dead set on using nandrolone, get some NPP instead. If you have issues you can drop it and it’s out of your system faster. It is the same base drug, just with a short ester.

I personally think just using 750 mg of Test would be almost as good, and easier to manage. It is up to you.

I am currently on 875 mg/wk of Test. I used Tbol (think dry and weaker dbol) in the beginning, and will use towards the end. About 18 weeks total. You can check my log “Ben’s Training Log: The Stupid Thread 3” or something like that if you want a full breakdown of what I am doing.

I think if you do this, eat like a champion. You are not all that large for using gear. I understand not everyone has the same genetics, but I think you can easily put on a lot of size from where you are.

Given the defensiveness of your answer, i’m not entirely convinced of this, but i’m not the one who should need ‘selling’ on this either. I thought you started lifting in March 2021 as that is the way your initial post read, which is why I questioned it. Furthermore is that you corrected my (and a few other people’s) assumptions, so there is no need to further discuss it.

I am certainly not a steroid expert, I have been reading about them for as long as you have been lifting, but have not taken any. My advice will stem from a place of caution, not disapproval.

I do not understand your interest in steroids while you quite easily could have pushed yourself to 150 natural, as @mnben87 said. Taking steroids at your current state seems very misplaced, but this is coming from the perspective of someone who’s been training 12 years and weighs 220 at 5’9 (I’m 27), and still has not felt the need to dabble.

As for advise on your cycle, I would say to stick with what works. You did well with your first cycle, and I would stick with that until it no longer works, although perhaps bumping Test E to 500mg per week.

What are your PR’s?

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What did you weigh a year ago? And what did you weigh three years ago when you started training?

You’ll get better results by switching this to “3,000 calories and God knows how many eggs, how much ground beef, and how much rice.”

What, exactly, did you eat yesterday?

Anyone who uses also knows that a 120-pound 23-year old can acquire a lot more than 15 pounds of bodyweight without gear.

You had low T because your body was malnourished. Your doctor should’ve pointed that out. It was entirely fixable without medication, but it’s likely too late to turn back at this point because the damage has, literally, already been done.


Agreed. I’m a fellow manlet like @OnlyGains. I’m 5’7" on a good day so I know what it’s like to be trapped in a small framed body. Its frustrating and the little man syndrome in us just wants to be bigger… urgently. Still this is a bad idea. You are in your early 20s and making decisions like someone that age which is impulsive and without wisdom.

My advice which I know you will disregard is to SLOW DOWN. Put the needles away and learn to do this all properly first. Learn nutrition and training. I’m sure you’ll claim you already know these things but you clearly don’t at 135lbs after cycle.


Just sayin…

For your size(or lack off) 200mgs is a cycle, not a trt.

All in all you use much too much and are small as fck, and also your 10% bodyfat is probably 15% at best, or you would have attached pictures. I dont see how you could need 500-750mgs of total steroids at this weight.


ah, thank god im not the only one who said this, cuz i was starting to feel a bit like a bad guy.


x2 with the other guys. Forget the gear/going over TRT levels for a loooong time

Respectfully you really dont.
Use the info on this site and you can get to 150+ totally naturally. Read 10 Dan John articles and get on a proven T Nation template like below. Up you protein to like 160g also

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Appreciated brother. I am going to continue my journey down the same path,
but I promise you I will pump the breaks a tad and slow my pace to view what is around me before I make a turn I will regret !

All input is greatly appreciated guys!!

I’m not trying to be defensive just trying to spill the info that will give you guys insight on my journey!!

Sorry alot more responses than expected, hard to reply individually holy!

But basically you guys all say I’m a bitch because I weigh little LOL
And I need to dial my diet in before looking at gear

Which is a fair point and totally true to my past!

But 1 too late and 2 I will also let you all know I am going to take your advice on getting my diet on point, which is already almost there for months now.
and that I will also be dropping the Dbol from cycle

But I will be running this cycle and forever running trt…
Hard to explain what I went thru but
I think being natural is absolutely fucked, no drive, or appetite, not to mention small
I felt like a dog, nothing helps when you have no hormones to regulate your system
That being step 1, you can than get your appetite back into check and back up to weight, which is where I am now…

And now I want to take it to the next level.
I’m a gym bro, and I want to get bigger.
This is all.
You don’t have to be mad cause my weight, or body fat. My age either.

I literally made this post for the bro science about my choice of compounds. And the ones who truly understand hormone optimization,

I got the few responses about the drugs and doses specified,
You guys are the Real OG’s for the true insight!
Have given me the time and info to reflect and prefect my cycle ! Thank you gentleman, stay on your grind and may the gains come your way!

A few irrelevant responses,
From irrelevant physiques LOL

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and beautiful time with your family none the less! Will be checking back and updating as life happens bruhs

The audacity of someone weighing 135lbs after 2 cycles saying this lol.

No one here is mad at you, if you want to go on yet another cycle - do it. Just dont forget the fucking PCT like you did your first cycle. Everyone here is telling you that you are using enhancing supplements to achieve what can be better accomplished without them, and you think we’re calling you a bitch (which no one here did).

Not willing to share PR’s, picture, or training info yet willing to tell us we’re wrong about the cycle you asked for our opinions on.

Your ‘journey’ has been short lived, and your life will be too should you continue this reckless abandon.

Good luck, merry christmas.


thats what i tought but i didnt wanna say it cuz maybe im the irrelevant physique one, haha, so i just stay quiet and know my place :smiley:


I don’t think there are many people here who have the authority to criticize your physique, and i do not believe he was talking about you :laughing:


Being brutally frank dude, there’s women in here that have achieved similar size to you with no extracurricular supplements. I started off near your stats, actually worse (5’8" and 135 pounds) and know the pain of being small/weak. It took time and patience, but was worth the pain of doing it the right way. Even solved some previously existing health issues along the way.

Bottom line is, there’s no honor in cheating to achieve less than almost all trainees can achieve the right way. If you were 180 pounds and lean at your height and wanted to gear up to go to the next level, that’s respectable. But you’re just selling yourself short. Forget the six pack for awhile, buckle down, train hard, eat harder. When you hit 150-160, reassess and move forward.

For the record, people are hard on you because we see posts like this all the time. Most posters just fade away, some come back after awhile permanently fucked up, and very few ever see lasting success. The brutal honesty is there to maybe keep you out of those first two categories.


I just wanted to post this video I just saw.

I think this might help you decide if this is worth it to you vs what you can reasonably expect. It is a bit longer, but I think it is realistic. Ask yourself, which guy are you in his categories. Gear use might not get you what you think it does.

It sounds like you may have actually needed TRT (I don’t have evidence either way). If that is true, then that is fine, but you need to question how much your health is worth compared to gains.