I was wondering how much deca if im running 200mg a week on test cyp?
You really give no info here.
Is this a cycle or are you adding to your TRT long term?
What’s your past experience using gear?
Generic answer: 200test/125deca/25mg/day proviron/AI on hand
Tons… Does that help?
Im adding to my TRT, but im only running deca for 10 weeks. Its been a long time since i juiced
Heres the thing… theres no right or wrong answer. Every experienced use will give you a different opinion on what ratio of test / nandrolone worked for them. Some get ED with even the smallest doses and others can run mega doses with nothing but a great experience. Its also a very long ester so running it 10 weeks only is a little suboptimal. TRT Clinics typically prescribe in the 50-150mg range. AAS users will typically take it in the 200-400mg range for low end PED use.
Ok, thanks for the info
Are you getting Doctor prescribed Deca? If not, you could try using NPP instead. That way you can modulate your dosage up or down very quickly depending on how you are reacting to the compound.
That’s not a bad idea but NPP is stronger mg for mg and you have to pin it at least EOD. ED is better.
I’ve heard this before. But, never understood why? Is it just the difference in esters?
Yes, just like Test Prop is stronger mg for mg than Test C/E. Its the ester weight. Although I think NPP is much closer to Nand Dec than say Test Prop and Test C.
Template:Structural properties of major testosterone esters - Wikipedia
Great info. Thanks!