Hi guys,
I’m 28 years old 6”2 and weighing 85kg.
I’m doing a cut at the moment and probably have about another month or so to go.
Once I have finished my cut I am going to do a clean bulk with a proper diet, I already have a nutritionist helping me with that.
I need help with my second steroid cycle though.
I have some deca and test ready to go but I’m not all that sure on how much I should take and how many times per week I take it.
Also is there anything else that I should take with it to stop estrogen? If there is anything I should take do I put it in the syringe with the deca and test at the same time?
Another thing is would it be a bad idea to mix in a little bit of HGH?
My first cycle I had a friend who knew a lot about all this stuff doing it for me but we no longer talk now.