Procede with caution. The first two times I ran Deca I ran it at 300mg’s a week alongside 500mg’s of weekly Test Cypionate. This time I went with Test C 750mg/W and Deca 450mg/W. I am experiencing more testicular shrinkage than ever before; even worse libido is much more in line with the classic deca dick scenario.
I also take 25-50mg’s of Proviron ED and still there is more noticeable negatives effects. Admittedly, I’m also taking the SSRI Lexapro which has the side-effect of diminishing libido. Further, I had never been one to subscribe to the Deca Dick myth. But all factors now combine for me to give the thought some credence.
Certainly, some guys can and have run 600mg’s a week with no preceiveable libido loss’. Other run 200-300mg’s a week and hit a stone cold dead stop in sex drive regardless of Test used.
Results have been good at my doses which are virtually the same as yours, despite to bouts of flu during my first 8 weeks strength is up noticeably and weight is up a bit [despite moderate weightloss during the flu bouts].