Question on cycle length.
Test C 250mg/week for about 6 weeks
Bumped to 300mg/week Test C for about 2 weeks. Got ahold of Sust 250 wanting to bump up to 500mg/week for approximately 6-7 weeks more. Will 14-16 weeks on cycle at these levels make for hard recovery or should I be concerned? 32 230lbs 6’
You beginning cycle was barely above TrT dosage levels. You should be ok, but you have or will have shut down your natural production. You are going to need PCT and time.
I have yet to determine exactly what I’m going to run but I plan to do a PCT and ~equal off time from cycle. I figured I shut down cruising on 250/week and intended a PCT before I opted to up my doses. Should be good huh? Recommend any OTC PCT’s?
Sustanon is a blend of four different testosterone esters. The longest one (test decanoate) will have a half life of ~15-18 days, which means PCT shouldn’t start until it’s cleared.
a half life of 18 days would imply PCT shouldn’t start until at least 72 day’s post shot, the notion that test E has a half life of 11 days and the decanoate ester having a half life of 18 days is a phallacy, the true half life is somewhere around 7 days. The half life of testosterone undecanoate on the other hand is about 18 days, longer depending on the oil it is suspended in
“a mean half-life of 6 days for the release of the ester from the muscular injection depot into the general circulation” as reflected by blood serum levels. That’s good information. But it says nothing, however about at what rate it is metabolized, which is what we care about. Half-life of the ester is not equal to half-life of a drug’s effective duration.
So should I change my injection schedule? I am currently hitting every 3.5 days. I was worried about my levels dropping due to the shorter half-life of the faster acting esters but from the numbers described… I just don’t know… i.e. will my levels be consistent at 250mg sust 2/week or will they spike or fall at that inj frequency? @iron_yuppie
So if your testosterone levels were 2000ng/dl from a shot of test decanoate, that it would take 18 days for levels to drop to 1000? Damn I gotta get off my extra test if that’s the case.
Well no, it’s non-linear. Plus you metabolize differently than the next guy. And for the sake of this particular topic, which is PCT timing, one would be better off waiting an extra five days than starting five days too soon. Do you not agree?
I mean, they’ll spike and fall irrespective of your injection schedule. That’s just the nature of the blend. Prop comes and goes fast, PP a little less fast, so it kind of stretches it out to 3 days when the prop itself would be an eod schedule. What you want is to minimize the easy mistakes, and a protocol that’s e3.5d should be more than sufficient to keep everything within the range of acceptable blood serum concentrations.
I agree, I’m just confused. If the decanoate ester has a HL of roughly 7 days, and unesterified testosterone has a HL of like 4 hours, how is it that the half life of testosterone decanoate could be 18 days? The elimination half life of nandrolone decanoate is between 6 and 12 days depending on the individual. I thought the elimination half life was the amount of time it took for half the substance to leave the body, this also begs the question as to why testosterone decanoate would have such a long half life compared to nandrolone decanoate.