Yea I see that often, and I thought it may be useful (knock on wood, no pun intended, I don’t have any issues with ED or libido). With all of the reading and “research” I have done, it seems to be mild but works well especially for helping keep off water weight and for eliminating the need for an AI. I only use .875 anastrazole mg/wk and feel pretty good there, but it would nice to be able to drop it and just add a little more gear, but I’m not sure how effective 100 mg/wk mast would be or if I would need to go higher. I guess I usually see it 1-1-ish with nandrolone, but I think 350 mg/wk mast would be more than I need for the little bit I want from it.
From what I understand, Mast does not act like an AI. It will lower high E2 symptoms though. The theory is that Mast (and stuff like proviron), can bind to estrogen receptors and block them from doing their thing. So taking Mast does not reduce E2, it just makes it so it can’t do it’s thing. EQ has a different effect from what I understand (converts to E1, not E2, and blocks test out from converting to E2).
I find this guy to be pretty knowledgeable, but I wouldn’t take it as hard truth. I have wondered about EQ and aromatization, and if things like Mast actually lower E2, or it is a different mechanism. These are the most sound explanations I have heard, but I am open to counter evidence on them. With AAS, sometimes it is hard to know something to be absolutely true, and the best you can do is educated bro science IMO. At the same time, bro science comes in different levels of intelligence. I think this guy is on the higher end of it.
Hmm, interesting stuff for sure. I guess after watching that and doing a little more reading, I think I’ll just stick to the planned cycle. it’s working well for me for now, and maybe the Anavar, combined with getting my diet back to 95+% compliance will give me the leaning out that I am looking for.
Thanks again @mnben87
Quick little update, I think the photo is self explanatory. For the record I’m 73”. I do believe that in the 2.5 months I am a little leaner (at least it looks like it to me… MAYBE 0.5% BF lower?) and objectively I’m 6 lbs heavier. I don’t care to be super lean or have a beach body, but I have to maintain a certain weight class so obviously being more lean plays in my favor.
Don’t be sad about what’s hiding behind the blue… gotta sign up for my onlyfans for that haha!
If you’re close to and/or at the limit for you’re weight class, Nandrolone might not be the best compound to run unless you’re training in an aggressive deficit… in which case aggressive deficits aren’t particularly conducive for strength gain.
Fantastic progress btw (both in regards to strength gains and weight gain).
Thanks sir, you were one of the ones I was really hoping to have chime in on this. You seem to have a ton of knowledge (This is not a slight to all of the other genius level, or even just educated with respect to AAS, people on this site).
As far as your concern with weight classes athletes and nandrolone, is it because it’s such a powerful mass builder, or just the water retention? Or something else altogether? I feel like I’ve had much less water retention on this than previous test only cycles. And I plan to run anavar soon too, which, from my understanding will help me lean out further and push out water? Either way I’m not scared of a 20 lb water cut lol. My last one was 15-16 lbs and it was my first one ever, and it really wasn’t terrible.
I really want to try tren (low dose tren for sure) but it kills cardio and with strongman it’s a necessity. And of course all of the other potential cardiac and neurological issues scare the shit out of me.
Day 46 update:
Nothing new to report. Still getting stronger and a little faster, leaning out a little bit, but I need to get a better handle on my diet. It’s not impacting my performance or sleep, but if I could shed about 5 more lbs, it would make my water cut that much easier. Cystic acne took a big jump after increasing the NPP, and my mood deteriorated a little until the level stabilized in my body but I’m good again now. My diastolic blood pressure has dropped a few points, last I measured I was 127/63, which as @readalot pointed out in another thread could be a hardening or weakening of the heart (or something, I don’t remember all of the details off the top of my head), but essentially the nandrolone could be artificially aging my heart. This is based off of the more than 60 point differential between sys/dia. Not a good thing but I will monitor especially once I come off
Hit a 270 log clean and press fairly easy, then missed 280 pretty miserably (I think 290-300 is there, just gotta get out of my own head). Took a 585 yoke 120’ in under 30 seconds (drop and turn at 60’). Not record breaking but yoke has gone from being a weakness to possibly becoming a strength for me. Carried a 325 lb Husafell stone 100’ in about 24 seconds, again not record breaking but I’ve never really worked with the Husafell until about 3-4 weeks ago. Comp weight is 375 lbs for max distance and I probably need to hit 400 ft to win.
Overall I’m loving this cycle. Next time I use Nandrolone it’ll be Deca for sure so I don’t have to pin EOD.
I’m getting tired of pinning EOD. Is it a bad idea to switch from NPP to Deca? I’m only about half way through my cycle.
I would just ride it out this time. If you responded well to NPP (no massive negative side effects), then you could run Deca next cycle.
Good point. I feel like I already knew the answer, but I guess sometimes I just need someone else to restate the obvious answer to validate what I’m doing. I tend to be a strong over-thinker.
With gear, there is a strong desire to wander from your protocol. It is better just to stick it out.
I am just starting a cycle (my second) of Test E and Turinabol. I am still in the first week, and I have added a few extra shots. Will be 725 mg this week. I am only supposed to do 400 mg for the first 5 weeks, then if all is well I am going to 500 mg for the next 11, with Tbol at 40 mg/day for the last 6 weeks of the 16 wk cycle. Just pointing out that it is easy to wander.
Day 56 updated:
Not much new to report. Still running 350 mg NPP/wk and 525 mg Test C/wk and 0.875 mg Anastrazole/wk. Weight is still creeping up (248ish right now, I started this cycle around 243) while maintaining the same “leanness”, which is good, but it’s a problem because I’ll likely still have to cut to get back to 241 to start my water cut.
I start my Oxandrolone tomorrow, so I will see how that affects me before I worry about restricting calories a ton to cut 7 lbs. I should be able to do a 7 lb weight cut in about 4 weeks based on how my last cut went earlier this year. I am still feeling stronger and stronger every workout. Still no gyno, ED, or libido issues. I have noticed that my mood is greatly dependent on my diet. The more bullshit that I eat the more my mood worsens, so that’s just one more reason for me to eat clean.
The only current issue I think I may be having is that I am running out of spots on my glutes to pin, pinning EOD for 100+ days fucking blows. Next time I run nandrolone it’ll either be a shorter NPP cycle, or just run Deca if its more than 8 weeks.
O yea, FYI, the water retention of Test/Nand is very real. I was getting lackadaisical with my diet and I got up to 258 on Monday night. It was then that I knew I needed to be better about sticking to my diet (maintenance level calories, not a deficit) and I dropped 10 lbs of water from then until this morning.
Are your delts virgin? I can put in a cc into each delt with little pain now. When I started, it was really painful though.
I only recently started using delts when I started TRT in February. I’ve only pinned .5 ml at a time. Now I’m pinning 1.6 mL. I don’t think I can get that much in my delts. I’ve never heard anything good about quads. Maybe lats? I’ve got pretty big lats so there’s plenty of room there lol. I would try quads but I hear of a lot of nerve issues (maybe hitting nerves?).
If you have used delts, you could try splitting things up so the volume is less so the delt can handle it.
Day 68 update:
Well I have been taking Anavar for 11 days and can honestly say I completely underwhelmed. I think my kids going back to daycare got me sick, and I haven’t completely gotten over it yet, so maybe that is the reason why. But I don’t feel like I am getting anything from it. I am taking it on an empty stomach around 0700 everyday and giving it one full hour to digest before eating or drinking anything other than water. I do not feel like it is drying me out, adding strength, or helping me lean out. The first 5 or so days I took it I got an uneasy stomach, but that was about it. I do feel like my sleep quality is slightly worse.
I think I need to give it another week before dropping it. I want to make sure that I am no longer sick before making a full judgement.
I am getting pretty fast with a low 500’s lb yoke, and I finally PR’ed my log clean and my log clean and press on Sunday after almost a year, but that could’ve just as easily been accomplished with the gear I was already on I’m sure.
No issues with libido or ED though so that’s definitely a plus. I should be getting more blood work done in about 2-3 weeks so it’ll be interesting to see that.
I kinda thought the same thing. I did hit PRs, but was also on Test at the time, so who knows. Var is faked a lot, and I am not convinced mine was real.
Man the place I got it from is VERY well known and I know a lot of big, strong MF’ers running their stuff. I would be shocked if it was faked, but stranger things have happened. I think I’ll buy a test kit. Only problem is that it seems the test kits say nothing about concentration
You can send out a pill or two to have it lab tested. I think if you google “labmax test” you would probably find it. They will tell you concentration.
I might give Var another try, but I really didn’t seem to get much out of it. I seem to handle high test pretty well, so maybe no need to get all fancy yet.
Yea, truthfully the only reason I decided to get into all of this stuff so quickly is for contest prep. Otherwise I would probably never had messed with the Oxandrolone. I will say I’m loving the nand though and will definitely go with decanoate in the future if I decide to run longer than 8 weeks.
Next time I may dabble with Anadrol instead of the Oxandrolone. I was just trying to avoid the water weight, but it sounds like, when comparing the two, anadrol is better for strength at the risk of putting on water weight