I read somewhere (can’t remember where, but I think it was from an older thread on this forum) that a good starting dose is 2mg/lb/wk (would be 480 mg/wk for me) but I thought that sounded high, I even got a recommendation from a buddy to do 300-400 mg/wk. I also heard of people getting good results at 50-100 mg/wk so I decided to go in between there.
Plus I had to buy 4 vials to run it for 15 weeks at 245 mg/wk, and that’s kinda expensive haha.
So far I’m loving it but it’s still early
With my anavar being in capsule form, would it be possible to open it up and split it in half for two doses of 25 mg/day? If I do that, how could I take it? like mix it into food or drink or just try to down it with some water?
I know there is a really good thread about how to take anavar, but I searched for about the last 10 minutes and couldn’t find it
It is possible, but it is going to be a PITA, and your dosing will probably be close at best. 25 mg twice a day isn’t a high dose for Var. Do you have okay lipids, and liver values?
I thought 50 mg/day was a solid dose? Either way, for a first cycle (first cycle of NPP and Var, not first AAS cycle) I would rather go a little more conservative to see how it affects me.
Looks like my ALT and AST are a little on the high side, but I think that was because this bloodwork was done 2 days after my last competition which I understand that high stress can really make blood work look bad at times. After I told my doc about the competition she was no longer worried about any of my blood work.

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It is solid. Some go up higher, but I am not sure how much more one gets from going much higher than that. I have done 100 mg for a week before a PLing comp, and 150 mg on the day of the comp. Did not feel anything negative with it, but that would be too high of a dose for more than a couple days IMO.
I hadn’t considered doubling or tripling up on game day… I may try that out
My protocol was 325 mg a week of test e for 13 weeks, and 50 mg a day of var for 6 weeks for weeks 6-12, and 100 mg for week 13 (meet week), and 150 mg on lifting day. I think I took 75 in the morning before squat, 50 before bench and 25 before deadlift. I figured by the time I got to deadlift I had a good build up.
Next meet I do, I will probably use anadrol after weigh ins. I do 24 hr weigh in, so 100 after weigh in, and 100-150 day of, should give a pretty big boost.
Has anyone tried to recomp on the same cycle. Like run npp at 500 and keep test c at my trt dose of 180 with 50 mg of var in the last however many weeks
This is my first run with anything other than test, so I cannot speak to that. I will say, that 8 days into my cycle I am feeling great. So far the test and NPP pinned EOD is treating me just fine. No libido or ED issues and I feel more “even keeled” pinning the test C EOD instead of 2x/wk. As expected acne is increasing a little bit with a higher dose of test than my TRT dose.
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How long does it take prolactin to buildup? Like at what point during a cycle of NPP should I expect to start seeing sides, if any?
So far (and I know it’s still early at only 9 days on cycle) I actually feel the opposite of most sides I hear of with prolactin. I feel my moods are better and I am more patient, greater than usual sex drive and erections and (this one is going to sound odd, I even feel dumb saying it) I actually think my gyno is lesser than it has been my entire adult life (I have gyno from being a fat kid/teen).
Thoughts? Am I being dumb?
Not dumb, but it is a little early to tell. My first 4 weeks of NPP was great. Hopefully you don’t have any problems and it’s a good run.
There’s no way the use of NPP would reduce gyno though, is there? That’s the part that I was referring to as “dumb”. I’ve had small man boobs for a looooooong time, but they feel smaller now than I can remember them ever feeling.
I’m not sure. Only thing I could think is that you’ve lost some fat there and it was pseudo gyno. But I don’t know enough about NPP to answer if it can actually reduce legitimate gyno.
Day 12 update:
So far still feeling great. Maybe still the honeymoon phase, but definitely at max blood level concentrations for nandrolone by now. Great libido and erections still, mood is excellent, feel strong and feels like warming up doesn’t take as long. Definitely going through a recomp right now. My body weight is maintaining around 244ish but I am looking and feeling leaner. Not gonna try to guess BF% but have lightly to moderately visible abs. I still swear I either have less gyno or maybe just less fat in my tits.
My only real sides have been very mild insomnia (I wake up semi-regularly but am still able to go back to sleep despite feeling mostly awake) and slightly bad mindset. I know this contradicts what I said earlier about mood, but the best way for me to explain it is that I don’t feel as quick to anger or be upset, but sometimes I have a tendency of jumping straight to worst case scenario and start to spiral down that hole. However, I notice this pretty quickly and it’s very easy to pull out of once I realize what I am doing.
So far I have been keeping my Anastrazole at .5mg/wk (split up to .25 2x/wk) even after increasing my test and have no issues. I know that I am not yet at max blood concentrations of test yet, but pinning EOD (it’s literally a pain in the ass) has me feeling more even keeled with respect to test sides.
I have been considering an increase of NPP to 315-350 mg/wk (currently at 245) around the 4 week mark if I am still feeling great. Should I increase test as well? I do not think it is necessary to do so, but there are many people much smarter than I on this forum.
Also, not sure if I mentioned this, but I have been using Stan Efferding’s Vertical Diet for about 14 months now, so I know I have nothing to worry about as far as my nutrition goes.
All comments/suggestions welcome
Day 19 update:
Overall still feeling really good. Insomnia is still there, but I think it is a little more well managed through diet. BW up to 246 or so, I’m a little surprised that I have been able to keep it this low as I thought I would have ballooned from water weight. BF% appears to be about the same still. Libido is still great, but erections are starting to wain a little (still don’t have a problem getting it up or hard, but keeping it up is becoming a little more of a chore, I’m not entirely convinced is it NPP-PP though because this always happens during my test only cycles, increase AI to .25 mg every pinning day which would turn into .875 mg/wk??).
My mood seems to be fairly consistent, though I have found myself getting a little short at times. I still plan to increase NPP to 350 mg/wk at the 4 week mark, and I will leave the test at 525 mg/wk.
Strength is really starting to skyrocket I believe. Yesterday I hit a 490 lb yoke, beltless, for 45’ in about 8 seconds. It felt REALLY easy too. For reference, I hit a 500 yoke with a belt back in March that took me 11-12 seconds. The 500 lb yoke in March wasn’t a ball buster but it certainly wasn’t easy. Front squats and log clean and press are becoming very easy as well.
Side note, I get to go to a Stan Efferding seminar tonight, so that’s exciting!
TLDR; Feeling good. Having slight erections problems, should I increase AI? STRONK!! Stan Efferding.
Whenever I use NPP at the 250 plus mark I always end up with hard gyno lumps about 8 weeks in to the point where it’s too much of a hassle to deal with. It doesn’t seem to matter how much AI I use. I suspect this is where the “prolaction gyno” argument comes from, though I’m not entirely sold on that narrative. In the end it doesn’t matter because the lumps are clearly there and have to be dealt with. By dealt with I mean 3 or 4 months of Nolvadex after ceasing NPP on which I don’t feel great. Not worth it, IME, but your mileage may vary.
Day 24 update:
I’m glad I didn’t do anything rash, I thought maybe the NPP sides were catching up to me, but I think it was just a mild virus I got from my son (entero virus, none of this mass hysteria COVID stuff). I was feeling very mildly under the weather and all of the erection sides seemed to go away as soon as I got over that virus that I barely even knew I had. Still no soft nandrolone peen for me. At 24 days in I believe the Test should be up to about full blood concentration as well. Just to be clear I did not increase my AI.
I am still getting stronger, hit a 260 log clean and press today and it felt like an RPE 7. Not a PR, but the heaviest I have hit in about a year. Last Friday night I had a 6x2 at 470 on deadlifts and that was like an RPE 6.5-7 (that’s probably attributed just as much or more to me cleaning up my deadlift technique as it is the strength gains from AAS).
This Saturday I will increase my NPP from 245 mg/wk to 350 mg/wk. Also, I believe the insomnia is greatly diet driven. I have found that I cannot eat sugary foods (or any foods that cause insulin spikes) within about 2-3 hours of bed time or this will cause me to toss and turn a lot more, or cause me to wake up and stay awake after around 240.
Day 31 update:
Still feeling really good. No issues with gyno, ED, or libido (libido is definitely up and erection quality is better than normal). Acne is up a little bit, but not as bad as it has been in previous cycles running test only, and running it at a lower dose. I do feel more patient with some things, but shorter tempered with others. I increased my weekly dose of NPP to 350 mg/wk 2 days ago.
Diet has been probably 85% clean. Overall I feel really good. I don’t feel tired or lethargic.
Strength is going up, yoke is getting easier with more weight (530 lbs run for 45’ in about 8.5 seconds, and I felt like I was sandbagging it), deadlifts are getting better (5x2 at 520, RPE 8, by far the most amount of work I’ve done with deadlifts at this weight). This weeks deadlifts I plan to hit 540-545 for a 3x2 at RPE 8, and front squats I did 4x6 at 295 with a 2s pause in the hole (I time my pauses with a timer). I would not consider any of this exponential growth, but has definitely been aided by the Nandrolone.
Bodyweight at the start of the cycle was around 243, and this morning I was 247 but have been bouncing around between 245-249 depending on if I eat bullshit food.
I’m only 1 month into a 15 week cycle, but I definitely plan to run another nandrolone cycle in the future. In another 4 weeks I am adding anavar at 50mg/day.
Day 38 update:
Overall still happy with my decision to try Nandrolone. I increased my NPP 9 days ago and honestly not sure I can tell a huge difference. However, my nutrition has been lacking, so I think maybe the increase in AAS along with the drop in nutrition has made me “maintain” the way I feel. So I am making sure that I am getting my nutrition back on track. I am however still getting stronger, so even though I feel just “ok” I am still doing pretty well. No noticeable sides other than more acne than usual, but this seems to be pretty typical of my previous 3 test only cycles as well.
Friday night I hit a 2x2 at 540 on deadlifts and then a 1x2 at 545, which is DEFINITELY a PR for me. Log clean and press is getting better. Yesterday I got a log clean and press 4x2 at 245 cleaning each rep (cleaning each rep is killer). I hit a 550 yoke for about 100 ft in 30ish seconds (not fast by any means but a great improvement for me) and I still felt like I could’ve got a bit faster.
Still maintaining my body weight around 247 or so. The next couple weeks I am going to focus on getting back down to 240-242 and staying there to make my water cut easier before my next competition.
I am curious about Masteron. A lot of people seem to think this is really good to run along side Nandrolone. I guess it helps dry you out (which is good for weight classes) and maybe I could drop my AI. Any thoughts on this? I would just run 100 mg/wk
It is also really popular with Tren (test + tren + mast). I think for those with libido and erection issues on nandralone and it’s derivatives it goes well.