f-in awesome, thanks
they have done interviews before, search youtube… Dr. Oz moderated a discussion b/w Taubes and Ornish and some schill from the USDA
btw- his website has always sucked to watch vids on
I may have just lost the last bit of respect for Dr. Oz
I’ve seen those a while back. Oz doesn’t even compare apples to apples to make his point. The fucker is so out of touch.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I’ve seen those a while back. Oz doesn’t even compare apples to apples to make his point. The fucker is so out of touch. [/quote]
I’m glad I see someone say what I’ve thought for some time.
LOL Oz did the diet for one day…well shit that proved everything he was saying.
Abit off topic but here in the UK we get some reasonably awful diet and exercise advice on TV and in the media but nothing like you get in the US lol. I was on holiday in mexico and I dunno if it was the doctor oz show or something similar but someone on the show said that if you drank 3 fruit smoothies a day of a certain mix which they gave that she could guarantee like a 1 pound weight loss per day no matter what you ate on top of the smoothies lol.
Without even an attempt to explain why this may work. I doubt ridiculous info like this is helping the obesity rates at all. Also makes me laugh at how shallow US tv can be, you have adverts about cosmetic surgery to get ready for the summer lol?
Yet you also have the highest obesity rates. Mind blowing. Also made me laugh when he said you can’t live on a low carb diet. Is he really a doctor.
I watched the vids and thought that Dr. Oz did a very good job allowing Gary to get his points across. I can’t help but think that 2 or 3 years ago, Oz wouldn’t have even given a high fat diet any air time at all.
Considering this is daytime TV, and the audience, I was pleasantly surprised.
I laughed at Dr. Oz making sure everyone knew Taubes isn’t a doctor. Is Oz a dietitian?
It’s hard to maintain respect for the health profession with jingoists like Oz regurgitating untruths to fat ladies.
One would think for the sake of science these so-called doctors would reevaluate the facts.
[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:
I laughed at Dr. Oz making sure everyone knew Taubes isn’t a doctor. Is Oz a dietitian?[/quote]
yeah, that was a cheap shot, and no Taubes is not.
It’s hard to maintain respect for the health profession with jingoists like Oz regurgitating untruths to fat ladies.
One would think for the sake of science these so-called doctors would reevaluate the facts.[/quote]
agreed. His stance on SFA is laughable
ill be the one to say that i feel dr oz’s diet looked healthier than tabues’ diet.
dr oz’s greens drink and blueberries and yoghurt, full of antioxidants and vitamins…vs eggs (nothing wrong with eggs) but 2 big ole pieces of processed sausage links filled with preservatives and nitrates and who knows what quality of meat.
walnuts and oranges vs …pork rinds. pork skin and fat that is deep fried
lunch could have gone either way they were both salads with meat
snack time…pepperoni. more processed nitrate filled, sodium bombed meats.
dinner…a nice piece of salmon with spinach and brown rice. usually the meal before or after most of our workouts where carbs can be used efficiently. but no you all agree with taubes’ 20oz ribeye and some beans drenched in butter.
if you guys ACTUALLY think that taubes’ way of eating is HEALTHIER than oz, then you guys seriously boggle my mind.
disclaimer: i am not an oz fan and do not watch his show. i am making a valid point that you are all brainwashed by these low carb “gurus” who dont even look like they workout. and to ANY person who works out, dr oz’s meals would indeed be a low carb day to them.
thinking that eating fried, greasy, sodium bombed, nitrate filled processed meats and snacks is ok because they are “low carb” just boggles my mind.
[quote]wannabebig250 wrote:
ill be the one to say that i feel dr oz’s diet looked healthier than tabues’ diet.
dr oz’s greens drink and blueberries and yoghurt, full of antioxidants and vitamins…vs eggs (nothing wrong with eggs) but 2 big ole pieces of processed sausage links filled with preservatives and nitrates and who knows what quality of meat.
walnuts and oranges vs …pork rinds. pork skin and fat that is deep fried
lunch could have gone either way they were both salads with meat
snack time…pepperoni. more processed nitrate filled, sodium bombed meats.
dinner…a nice piece of salmon with spinach and brown rice. usually the meal before or after most of our workouts where carbs can be used efficiently. but no you all agree with taubes’ 20oz ribeye and some beans drenched in butter.
if you guys ACTUALLY think that taubes’ way of eating is HEALTHIER than oz, then you guys seriously boggle my mind.
disclaimer: i am not an oz fan and do not watch his show. i am making a valid point that you are all brainwashed by these low carb “gurus” who dont even look like they workout. and to ANY person who works out, dr oz’s meals would indeed be a low carb day to them.
thinking that eating fried, greasy, sodium bombed, nitrate filled processed meats and snacks is ok because they are “low carb” just boggles my mind.[/quote]
What Dr. Oz did for his brief 18 hour experiment was not what most would do following a low carbohydrate-high fat diet. What he said was correct about sustainability but he was not eating anything that could keep a person following that sort of diet. Particularly eating so much meat and polyunsaturated fats can cause some digestive issues.
Most fats should come from animals and one should still eat lots of brightly colored, fresh vegetables.
High fat Greek style yogurt can be eaten and even berries are okay. The point of the LCHF diet is to reduce insulin levels.
Dr. Oz basically set up a Strawman about LCHF so he could easily “disprove” Taubes in front of his fat-ass fans.
[quote]wannabebig250 wrote:
ill be the one to say that i feel dr oz’s diet looked healthier than tabues’ diet.
dr oz’s greens drink and blueberries and yoghurt, full of antioxidants and vitamins…vs eggs (nothing wrong with eggs) but 2 big ole pieces of processed sausage links filled with preservatives and nitrates and who knows what quality of meat.
walnuts and oranges vs …pork rinds. pork skin and fat that is deep fried
lunch could have gone either way they were both salads with meat
snack time…pepperoni. more processed nitrate filled, sodium bombed meats.
dinner…a nice piece of salmon with spinach and brown rice. usually the meal before or after most of our workouts where carbs can be used efficiently. but no you all agree with taubes’ 20oz ribeye and some beans drenched in butter.
if you guys ACTUALLY think that taubes’ way of eating is HEALTHIER than oz, then you guys seriously boggle my mind.
disclaimer: i am not an oz fan and do not watch his show. i am making a valid point that you are all brainwashed by these low carb “gurus” who dont even look like they workout. and to ANY person who works out, dr oz’s meals would indeed be a low carb day to them.
thinking that eating fried, greasy, sodium bombed, nitrate filled processed meats and snacks is ok because they are “low carb” just boggles my mind.[/quote]
im sure Dr Oz made all of those obviously poor high-fat choices to help his opinion to his audience.
If he had chosen some natural bison/elk sausages instead of the peperoni and cheese, or some sardines etc… instead of the pork-rindes then Taubes diet plan would have looked way more legit despite having pretty close to the same macro-nutrient content.
That was not an accurate portrayal of the Taubes diet. Listen to the follow-up radio show I posted. The Oz show is about entertainment.
They used an Atkins approach which is not what Taubes suggests.
Taubes said, he loved Oz’s salmon and spinach meal, just take out the rice.
i was under the impression that taubes told dr oz exactly what to eat to follow “his diet”.
i saw no fruit and very little veggies in the diet. if you LCHF guys are eating plenty of brightly coloured veggies and some fruits and just avoiding starchy carbs (except for around workouts?) and having fresh unprocessed meats, then all the power to you.
i know when i was eating the anabolic diet it was very close to what dr oz ate in that video, and i felt like shit.