Taste of Surge?

I haven’t used Surge yet and I’m thinking of getting one/two containers.

What does it taste like? What’s the flavor (I don’t like vanilla)

Any recipes to make it taste better?



As a long term user, i have to say that the flavor is, following a respectable workout, unsurpassed. I use only moderately cool water (to enhance dissolving) and then just savor it. you can swish it, chew it and swallow slowly. it’s that good! if only breasticles came in that flavor!!!

funny you post this, i just got Surge in today and JUST had my first serving of it and was about to make a post about how to get it tasting better! it is pistachio flavored and not too great in my opinion. i am also wondering about some ways to spice it up a bit, anyone with experience lend some help!

It definitely doesnt taste like vanilla, but I would say that for some, it may be an acquired taste…

It tastes like lemon merange(sp fucked up I know), and it’s fine with water.

Angel Food Cake

Angel food cake all the way. I’m addicted to it. It’s like liquid dessert. And remember, you don’t want to mess with the formula too much or you’ll screw up its effectiveness.

And if anyone says he doesn’t like the taste then he’s a little pussy who never had to endure the protein powders from the 80’s and early 90’s. Luckily, Surge tastes very good. But even if it didn’t you shouldn’t be a candyass. Do what’s right nutritionally.

I second the angel food cake. Just make sure you mix it with exactly 16oz of water. If you have any less then that, it will taste way to sweet.

[quote]Muskie wrote:
Angel Food Cake[/quote]

Angel food cake batter to be specific, which AFAIK is the intended flavor.

I just bought a comparable product with the same basic ingrediants and nutrient profile for more money (needed supps and couldn’t find my check card to order from T-mag) and it taste like ass compared to Surge, if thats worth anything.

Also, the first time I tried it I didnt think it was that great, but it is addicting and the harder the workout the better it seems to taste. The proper amount of water and some ice after you shake it up help too.

The 1st time I tried it I thought it was disgusting, now I love it.

[quote]piper1 wrote:
The 1st time I tried it I thought it was disgusting, now I love it.[/quote]

I don’t usually care about taste. I have my flax oil straight, olive oil straight etc. However, I do have issues with vanilla. It gets old and annoying very quick for me. When I talked to BioTest Customer Service, they hinted that the flavor was vanilla.

I think I’m going to give it a try. In anycase, it won’t last more than 2 weeks :slight_smile:

I find cold water (or with ice) makes it taste much better than cool or warm water.

The first time I tried it, I thought it was horrible. I was used to GROW! and the more bitter taste of Surge was very different. I have learned to like it, I even throw a half scoop of GROW in there to mix up the flavor.


Used in the same sentence as Surge. Have any of you had the pleasure of tasting non flavored Hydro whey. Now that is horrible. Even slightly masking it you have to somewhat choke it down.

With a lot of work it can be considered tastey, but that is simply to much damn work, and in the end cost you more than simply buying some Surge. Also takes a considerable amount of time compared to the simple dip, shake, and enjoy method used with Surge.

I have to commend Biotest for the fine work they did with this supp… You do get a very faint hint of the hydro after taste (I dont mind, just reassures me that the Quality is A+) and they did an excellent job masking it with the (as others best described) Angle Food Cake flavor.

There is my shameless plug. :slight_smile:

I was guilty in the past of trying numerous times to create my own PWO drink. While I am pretty sure I hit the same quality, I never came close to the taste to cost ratio of Surge. That and my time is better spent than mixing a damn drink all the time.


I like to eat it dry, right out of the tub!

I’m rather addicted to the stuff. I look forward to swilling it down after a workout.

I’ve found that my body actully craves the stuff during and after a hard workout.

When I first started taking it, I really didn’t care for it much, but I did notice that it helped with recovery - so I kept drinking it. Now, I look forward to the taste. It tastes like…like…well like your getting bigger.

The first time I tried this…I almost gagged from how sweet it was. I was used to making my own with malto and dextrose and then figured, with the price of this supp and it being the only real form of powdered protein I buy, why waste my time. I just come home and put it in the mixer, then toss it in the 600ml bottle and off to the gym. You can’t beat the mixabililty, ease and taste of this supp. Its second to none.

I would describe the taste as an angel food cake and I have to also agree with the previous post, that the stuff is addicting as hell!

When you are busting your ass under an OVT workout and your sweating uncontrollably, there really is nothing like the little kick you get and benefits in strength you get from sipping this throughout the workout.

If you don’t like it straight up I believe that Berardi mentions mixing it with gatorade and creatine. I always add my creatine mono powder to this (it is flavourless so don’t look to adding flavoured creatine juice to surge for additional flavour) I would suggest the gatorade/powerade mix with surge and creatine.

Good luck and you will get addicted to this supp for sure!

Ciao for now,


I also hated it the first time I tried it. Then the second time it started tasting pretty good, and by the third time, I loved it. Just make sure not to put too much water in… it tastes better when it’s thick.