
I was just wondering if anyone has tried those Bronze Ez tanning pills that you can buy. If so, were they any good? Any negative reactions? Any feedback from anyone would be greatly appreciated as I have fair skin and am looking for an alternative to sunbeds or tanning lotions.

What’s in them? I am always interested in tanning pill ideas 'cus I’m so fair skinned.

I would recommend steering clear of those babies. They can cause retinal damage. One of the compounds in them, some caratoniod(pigment compound), can build up in the retina of your eye and cause problems. I will get the stuff where I found this info, cuz I dont like simply trusting people on their word, and let you know where you can find it.

Thanks for that Da Man. I saw these pills advertised in MM but thought they were too good to be true! Appreciate your feedback, further info would be great!

No prob, Lisa. I had class last night, so I havent been able to find where I got the info. But I think it was actually on the products info sheet. It may have been a disclaimer or something. I dunno, but I will check.

Ahh Tanners, My friend and I bought some self tanner sprays a while back. In fact they were amazing, they worked really well, I was very impressed.
Here’s the link, if oyu want to check it out.