Take Surge on a Low Carb Diet?

Hey, all,

I posted this question in CT’s thread, but due to the amount of questions he’s asked I fear it’s been lost in the shuffle so I’m reposting it here.

Just to clarify an issue I’m having regarding low-carb nutrition.

I’m getting <30 grams a day and because of this I’m concerned about my PWO needs being less than optimally met. I consume around 44 grams of protein after lifting, but recently have read where you and several other contributors maintain that taking Surge PWO even when on a low-carb plan is not detrimental to fat loss.

Is this correct?

Thanks for helping me with this slightly confusing issue.

Are you on the Anabolic Diet? If yes then follow the plan laid out there.

If not I would definitly consume a PWO shake like Surge during/around training. Timed carb diets(which is what that would make it) are very effective for fat loss and body composition changes.

Quite simply - yes.
Drink your Surge during/after workout, your body is primed for it at those times and it will not affect your progress.


Thanks for the timely responses.