Late-Night PWO Nutrition

Guys, I’ve searched past posts so I wouldn’t have to post another PWO question, but was unable to find the info I need.

I work out around 7pm. Recently I picked up Surge as in the past I don’t think I was getting the correct nutrients I needed PWO (I mostly just concentrated on protein with little carbs.) The directions read that I should consume a meal 1-2 hours after my shake that is 2/3’s carb & 1/3 protein.

My concern/question is this: That would put me in the 9-10pm time frame and I try to go to sleep by 11. While I’m trying to gain mass, I’m not trying to gain flab and I’ve always read consuming excess carbs so close to bed time would do just that. Is there anything I should do differently (besides working out earlier) or should I just roll with it?

Thanks for your time and input.

Just eat a low-carb, high-protein meal before bed. It’s not ideal, but it seems to work well for me.

You might also put some cinnamon in your Surge (cinnamon ups insulin sensitivity).

If my 1st PWO real food meal 1.5 hrs PWO is also my meal just before bed then I usually go for about 50g of oats (30g of carbs) mixed with a gud high protein MRP or with some other source of quality slow digesting protein. (I avoid cottage cheese because TT told me too :slight_smile: I sometimes go for a piece of fruit too. It ultimately depends on my current goal. Sounds like your trying to slowly add mass with little fat gain so I think some oats before bed PWO would be fine.


I am often in the same situation as you. I prefer to train later in the evening so that I have time to unwind after work and so I won’t have to deal with the 100’s of ass clowns in my gym during peak hours.

I am in the process of leaning out and was concerned with Surge and elevated insulin levels at bed time. But, I figured that I would just experiment with it and see if I could make it work. I honestly do not feel that it has hindered my fat loss any. I am definately keeping more muscle than I did last year, but I cannot be 100% sure that it all can be attributed to the Surge with other training variables that i have changed since my last diet.

As far as the Post PWO meal goes, I revert to P&F meal before bed like 3 omega eggs with 3 egg whites or the occasional Low Carb Grow with a spoon of Natty P-nut butter. This strategy has been working for me, I am still losing fat while maintaining muscle and being productive in the gym.

That being said, I would love to hear some of the experts chime in on the subject.

You face the same issue that… eh probably 75% of the weightlifting world faces. Every one has to make their own decisions. Most of us have to wake up around 7 which means to get adequate rest, we need to crash between 10:30 and 11. We also want to work out in a gym with elbow room so we are restricted to working out from 7 or 8 onwards depending on our locales. The issue comes in with the 2 hours of PWO nutrition and the 2 hour waiting window until the PF meal before bedtime. We need at least 4.5 hours to do all the eating and we only have 2-3 hours… what to do?

Well, the most obvious suggestion is work out earlier. I don’t like doing it but I workout either at 1 in the afternoon now (and take REALLY long lunch breaks) or at 4 (and get off work a little early). That might not be a possibility for you though so you need to make the best of your 2-3 hours. Here is my suggestion. Your first solid meal is to be digested .5-1 hour after your surge right so that means your initial meal times are at 8 and 8:30. You could then have your PF at 10:45 and be straight but you are still sacrificing your second solid PC meal. If that is what you have to do, it is what you have to do, though personally I wouldn’t like to miss my second PC meal. Some people eat their second PC meal and just forget about the PF before bed and have decent success with it: I am not a big fan of that for several reasons but people respond differently to different methods.

In short, you have to live with less than perfect nutrition, just like almost everyone else out there, and which sacrifices you want to make are up to you. In the end though, if you are doing a good job through the rest of the day and come as close to perfect as you can on off days when you don’t have to work around workouts, you’ll be pretty happy with your success.

Best of luck. J.

Forget about the no carbs before bed belief. It is thought that if you eat carbs close to bed you don’t have time to use them for energy so they get stored as fat.

You’re using them for rebuilding purposes though. So if they’re being used, how can they turn into fat?

If you wanna build muscle you’re going to have to stock up before bed. It shouldn’t cause any additional fat gain. Just try it for yourself and see. Thats the only way to know for sure.

  1. Don’t wait 1-2 hours, get a good size P+C meal in 30-45 minutes after your workout.

  2. Use Classic Grow or similar P+C just before bed.

  3. Don’t worry about the carbs before bed on training days, it’s much more benefecial and important to get your carbs for the day in following your workout and they won’t contribute to any fat gain.

Read the articles from Berardi on Massive Eating Reloaded. He talks about the same things, says that eat post workout meals like normal. The articles should answer your questions.