[quote]drm17 wrote:
heres a routine i came up with that i wana stick to for a few months. what do you guys think?
This is my opinion:
Doing these two workouts in two days is going to be very hard, if not impossible. You need at least day of rest here.
20-30 min of HIIT is really a lot, even with a large work/rest ratio. And especially considering all weights training volume.
4x6 is very different then 6x10. The number of exercises you’ll be doing will also make a difference. Adding just one exercise with that volume can be the difference between gaining and overtraining.
Like above, 3x10 is very different than 4x15, so you’ll have to be more precise. And you should decide based on your current work capacity, not by what looks good on paper.
You don’t have any rest days at all. You need at least one full day of rest, if not more, with 4 full body workouts a week. And with such a setup, 3x a week of additional HIIT is a guaranteed overkill.
i wont be religious w/ the schedule. ill take a day off when needed.[/quote]
That maybe way sooner than you think. This is way too much in my opinion. Have you tried HIIT or 10x3 separately before? Finally, you also need to implement some way of periodizing your training, either by having light/off weeks, or by having a longer (3-4 weeks) intensity phase.
Three exercises of 10x3 in one workout will crush you, don’t do it. Even if you survived the first week you will burn out soon after that.
If you really want to have a go at the 10x3 method, search for Chad Waterbury’s “Waterbury Method” article where he introduces these parameters. It is used for one main exercise per workout, the rest of the exercise are supersets of 4x6. And above all it works. Try it for two cycles with a rest week in between and you should have achieved some good gains.
Go with his suggested workouts for the first cycle and then mix it up a bit for the second time around e.g. replace squats with deadlifts etc.
You have some good ideas here but the order of exercises and sessions sucks…
IMO this might be better…and dont forget to include 1-2 rest days.
Bench press
Full body lift
HIIT or moderate cardio depending on recovery
DFC (do fuckin’ nothin’!)
This way you avoid overlaps (your lower back is being fragged sunday and then monday which at the very least will lower mondays poundages, but probably predispose you to lower back injury.
Dipping after benches means tired tris, so better to split these.
Rowing after pullups means tired bis so split these two up also.
10x3 on all exercises means you are gonna do 30 sets per work out plus warm ups so may actually be nearer 40 sets in a single session…thats a hell of a lot of volume and going to be a long work out - 90 mins plus I guess. You may want to reconsider this…5x5 works well. Persoanlly i keep my volume to around 20 works sets per session and that makes my sessions around 50-60 minutes.
Hope that helps man. good luck.
[quote]drm17 wrote:
heres a routine i came up with that i wana stick to for a few months. what do you guys think?
squat 10X3
bench 10X3
dips 10X3
Deads 10X3
Pullups 10X3
Rows 10X3
hiit 20-30 min
fullbody lift 4-6X6-10 reps
hiit 20-30 min
fullbody lift 3-4X10-15 reps
hiit 20-30min
i wont be religious w/ the schedule. ill take a day off when needed.[/quote]
10x3 two days in a row is fine as long as the parameters the rest of the week are sufficiently different.
Point two - on day 2, I would suggest RDLs vs. conventional deads (not sure which you are referring to)
Point to others - in AofW, Chad suggest six exercises 10x3in one day to increase work capacity - so I don’t see why doing push 10x3 w/ three exercises one day and pull 10x3 the next day w/ three exercises is any more demanding.
Also, to clarify, when drm says 3-4 x10-15, I am sure he means 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps, not 3x10 and/or 4x15.
drm, I say it looks fine, other than the first point I made.
[quote]getgot211 wrote:
Point to others - in AofW, Chad suggest six exercises 10x3in one day to increase work capacity - so I don’t see why doing push 10x3 w/ three exercises one day and pull 10x3 the next day w/ three exercises is any more demanding.
Drm’s routine has squats and deads back to back. You can classify them as push and pull exercises, but they still have major overlaps. Lower back will take a beating. For upper body stuff, shoulders overlap and will most likely get overtrainied.
Also, just because CW recommends something doesn’t mean it is automatically applicable to all trainees. I happen to think that this kind of volume isn’t right for drm because if he had that kind of work capacity, it would mean he had alredy been training properly for years - and in that case he wouldn’t need any advice from others.
It is a big range and I was pointing out the extremes that differ significantly.
drm, I say it looks fine, other than the first point I made.[/quote]
What about the fact there are no rest days whatsoever? What about 3x a week HIIT on top of alredy high volume weight training?
Generally speaking, the main point I’m trying to convey is that you can’t take a few good training protocols and just glue them together and expect it to work.
thanks for every1s advice. i modified the routine. i have been lifting 3x/wk for a long time and feel that i can handle 4x/wk as long as im taking care of myself out of the gym. what do you think of this?
squats 10X3
bench/dips 10X3
bench/dips 4X6
romanian deads 10X3
pullups/rows 10x3
pullups/rows 4X6
I would break up the two 10x3 days. You are going to get yourself smashed in the first two days of the week. For example the squats on Sunday will still work your hamstrings, which you then plan to work with the RDLs on the following day. That’s a recipe for overtraining. It is better to vary the intensity during the week by having an intense workout followed by a lighter workout. I’d also stay away from doing bench AND dips on the same day with 10x3. Maybe try this:
squats 10X3
bench 10X3
pullups 4X6
hiit 15 min
Fullbody lift 3X12-15
hiit 15 min
romanian deads 10X3
rows 10x3
dips 4X6
Fullbody lift 5X8-10
Do this for 3-4 weeks, then have a back off week ie reduce volume to about 60% and reduce intensity by about 15-20%.
Then switch up the exercises a bit to focus on something else. How about this:
Deadlifts 10X3
Military press or push press 10X3
Rows (different to first cycle) 4X6
hiit 15 min
Fullbody lift (different) 3X12-15
hiit 15 min
Front squats 10X3
Chin ups 10x3
Incline DB bench press 4X6
Fullbody lift (different) 5X8-10
If your fullbody lifts are O-lifts you are going too high on the reps. It would be better to go and do multiple sets of 3-5.
Hope this helps,
[quote]drm17 wrote:
thanks for every1s advice. i modified the routine. i have been lifting 3x/wk for a long time and feel that i can handle 4x/wk as long as im taking care of myself out of the gym. what do you think of this?
squats 10X3
bench/dips 10X3
bench/dips 4X6
romanian deads 10X3
pullups/rows 10x3
pullups/rows 4X6