New Routine..Hows it Look?

This will be my new routine: Will be using the 5x5 and 10x10 training in a 3 day split:

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Bench Press 5x5
DB Incline Press 5x5
BB Overhead Presses 5x5
Upright Rows 5x5
Lying Tricep Extensions 5x5

Day2: Legs, Calves, Abs

Squats 5x5
Leg Presses 5x5
Romanian Deadlifts 5x5
Standing Calf Raises 5x5
Hanging Leg Raises 5x 10-15

Day 3:Back, Traps, Biceps

Bent Rows 5x5
Lat Pulldowns 5x5
Barbell Shrugs 5x5
Standing Barbell Curls 5x5

Day 4: Chest Shoulders Triceps

Bench Presses 10x10
Barbell Overhead presses 10x10
Lying Triceps Extensions 10x10

Day 5:Legs Calves Abs
Squats 10x10
Romanian Deadlifts 10x10
Seated Calf Raises 10x10
Crunches 5x 15-20

Day 6 Back Traps Biceps

Bent Rows 10x10
Barbell Shrugs 10x10
Barbell Curls 10x10

Height 5’8
Weight 207
EST BF% 16.2

Current Supps:
Surge Recovery!

Test Cycle

Hopefully a complete change in my workout will lead to greater gains on the cycle…any rooms for improvement or advice?

It looks like that is a ton of volume. I think you’ll be overtraining in short time. You’re seriously planning on doing 300 reps on a couple of those days, and no less that 100 reps on your lowest volume day? Maybe I mis-read something in your post, but unless you’re some sort of mutant (or eating a bowl of 'roids for breakfast every morning), I think you’ll find that you’ll make absolutely no gains, and quite possibly lose ground working with that high of volume.

Also, what intensity level are you planning on working at? What’s your age and stats? I can only see a person doing that many reps using very low intensity (40-50 percent 1RM), and I still think that would be counter productive. But then again, some stuff works better for some people, so give it a shot and report to us how it worked out for you.

You say three day split, yet you have a 6 day schedule. Is this a two week schedule? Even at that, it is a lot of work. What are your goals? Overtraining?

You say three day split, yet you have a 6 day schedule. Is this a two week schedule? Even at that, it is a lot of work. What are your goals? Overtraining?

It does not appear you have been training long, I am not sure. If you are a begginer I would start with something like Waterbury fullbody workouts like Total Body Training (3x’s a week). You also show 17% bf, maybe on the other two days you could through in some cardio. This is just some of the things that have been helping me. GOOD LUCK!!

[quote]Kal-El wrote:
You say three day split, yet you have a 6 day schedule. Is this a two week schedule? Even at that, it is a lot of work. What are your goals? Overtraining?[/quote]

Its going to be a 4 week program while on cycle. High Calories, lots of meats, peanutbutter, milk, wheat, oats, eggs Tuna…Also taking Surge + 2 servings of Flame-out per day, diet will be on the slightly high side in the fats department…

3 Days 5x5/3 days 10x10…3 day split…It will be targeting both fast twitch an slow twitch muscle fibers…

The only thing i’d change is the 10x10. I like the twice a week heavy then light approach but 10x10 is draining as hell and you’d be better around 3-5 sets of 10 reps…

[quote]csuson wrote:
It looks like that is a ton of volume. I think you’ll be overtraining in short time. You’re seriously planning on doing 300 reps on a couple of those days, and no less that 100 reps on your lowest volume day? Maybe I mis-read something in your post, but unless you’re some sort of mutant (or eating a bowl of 'roids for breakfast every morning), I think you’ll find that you’ll make absolutely no gains, and quite possibly lose ground working with that high of volume.

Also, what intensity level are you planning on working at? What’s your age and stats? I can only see a person doing that many reps using very low intensity (40-50 percent 1RM), and I still think that would be counter productive. But then again, some stuff works better for some people, so give it a shot and report to us how it worked out for you. [/quote]

No Doubt, I think my body is going to respond very well since I Rarely go over 6 Reps and we all know higher rep counts will mean growth while lower are for the power and strength…I have faith in my diet and the supps Im taking to make it a successful 4 weeks…Good or bad, I’ll post a report…

[quote]iannotti wrote:

No Doubt, I think my body is going to respond very well since I Rarely go over 6 Reps and we all know higher rep counts will mean growth while lower are for the power and strength…I have faith in my diet and the supps Im taking to make it a successful 4 weeks…Good or bad, I’ll post a report…[/quote]

Why are you planning on doing 10x10’s (10 sets of 10 reps) if you don’t go over six reps? Also, you can get real big by using low reps and heavy weight. There is no magic formula that says you can only get big on high reps. What kind of load are you planning on using? 50 % 1RM, 80 %1RM? These kind of things need to be thought out. If you go balls to the wall with your load each time, the volume you are prescribing to yourself will be much too high.

[quote]csuson wrote:
It looks like that is a ton of volume. I think you’ll be overtraining in short time. You’re seriously planning on doing 300 reps on a couple of those days, and no less that 100 reps on your lowest volume day? Maybe I mis-read something in your post, but unless you’re some sort of mutant (or eating a bowl of 'roids for breakfast every morning), I think you’ll find that you’ll make absolutely no gains, and quite possibly lose ground working with that high of volume.

Also, what intensity level are you planning on working at? What’s your age and stats? I can only see a person doing that many reps using very low intensity (40-50 percent 1RM), and I still think that would be counter productive. But then again, some stuff works better for some people, so give it a shot and report to us how it worked out for you. [/quote] My guess is that he placed his goals to high and will either hurt himself or walk away…

[quote]coldsoul9077 wrote:
csuson wrote:
It looks like that is a ton of volume. I think you’ll be overtraining in short time. You’re seriously planning on doing 300 reps on a couple of those days, and no less that 100 reps on your lowest volume day? Maybe I mis-read something in your post, but unless you’re some sort of mutant (or eating a bowl of 'roids for breakfast every morning), I think you’ll find that you’ll make absolutely no gains, and quite possibly lose ground working with that high of volume.

Also, what intensity level are you planning on working at? What’s your age and stats? I can only see a person doing that many reps using very low intensity (40-50 percent 1RM), and I still think that would be counter productive. But then again, some stuff works better for some people, so give it a shot and report to us how it worked out for you. My guess is that he placed his goals to high and will either hurt himself or walk away…


Ok I’ll give in :slight_smile: I saw this article in Flex and its part of a 12 week program. Theres more to the workout program than this, but this is the only segment I want to try. As for the 10 by 10. I’m choosing the weight that I could take to 15 reps before failure. 5x5 Im choosing the weight that leads to failure on about the 2nd-3rd set. Figuring my supps and cycle I should beable to recover well enough from the beating Im going to take…I hope…Maybe the 5x10 would be a better fit than 10x10…

I think those bb mag routines are designed to look nasty on paper, to the unitiated. I would say this routine is for advanced lifters who are juiced enough to not fry themselves. But does anyone actually do them?

Id say a big advantage to this routine is that with all movement between stations you wont have to do any cardio afterwards… youll have walked a couple of miles already.

Well, it sounds like you have your heart set on whatever you’re going to try. I think if you do a little reading around here for a while though, you’ll find that most programs that magazines like “Flex” write don’t have much merit to them. They are often written by people who have very little experience in the iron game OR by people who are big but have very little knowledge of how to actually train people properly.

You should read “Big Benches, Massive Breasts” by Canis Dirus. It’s still on the “front page” and shows how most of these muscle mags are either full of shit or giving you info that is basically common sense. Don’t waste your money on Flex.

Also, use the search tool to find some Chad Waterbury programs. They are generally well balanced, beneficial for both hypertrophy and strength, and will leave you feeling winded (if done correctly). Don’t be fooled by their “easy” appearance. There are also plenty of other great programs on T-Nation by other coaches/authors as well. I have personally made good progress with CW’s programs, especially ABBH, SOB, QD, and Strength Focused Mesocycle (favorite).

Good luck

So your all saying you dont think it could work? …Ok, now does anyone think it could?


Yeah man, if it were me, I wouldn’t waste my time. I think that the risk of losing muscle/strength outweighs any possible benefits you might gain from a program with that much volume. However, it’s all up to you and you know your capabilities better than I. Like I said earlier, look around this site and try to pick up some knowledge about program frequency, intensity and variation. I’m an open minded guy when it comes to training, but from personal experience (I have done programs like the one you detailed in the past), I have not had good results from programs out of muscle mags.

[quote]iannotti wrote:
So your all saying you dont think it could work? …Ok, now does anyone think it could?[/quote]

As I alluded to, I think an elite lifter who is doing more sculpting than mass-accumulation would perhaps do a similar routine. Elites tend to do a wider range of exercises targeted to develop a look, after building the mass.

But elite lifters dont ask for advice from the likes of us.

So I would say stick with basic movements for strength and hypertrophy and to avoid burnout. Concentrate on doing a reasonable volume really well. For example, check out Waterbury’s latest article, though there are many others here that advocate the same principles.

[quote]iannotti wrote:
So your all saying you dont think it could work? …Ok, now does anyone think it could?[/quote]

Do it and let us know the results…:slight_smile:

Ok, a few changes…How about this?

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Bench Press 5x5
DB Incline Press 5x5
BB Overhead Presses 5x5
Upright Rows 5x5
Lying Tricep Extensions 5x5

Day2: Legs, Calves, Abs

Squats 5x5
Leg Presses 5x5
Romanian Deadlifts 5x5
Standing Calf Raises 5x5
Hanging Leg Raises 5x 10-15

Day 3:Back, Traps, Biceps

Bent Rows 5x5
Lat Pulldowns 5x5
Barbell Shrugs 5x5
Standing Barbell Curls 5x5

Day 4: Chest Shoulders Triceps

Bench Presses 3x10
Barbell Overhead presses 3x10
Lying Triceps Extensions 3x10

Day 5:Legs Calves Abs
Squats 3x10
Romanian Deadlifts 3x10
Seated Calf Raises 3x10
Crunches 5x 15-20

Day 6 Back Traps Biceps

Bent Rows 3x10
Barbell Shrugs 3x10
Barbell Curls 3x10

[quote]iannotti wrote:
Ok, a few changes…How about this?

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Bench Press 5x5
DB Incline Press 5x5
BB Overhead Presses 5x5
Upright Rows 5x5
Lying Tricep Extensions 5x5

Day2: Legs, Calves, Abs

Squats 5x5
Leg Presses 5x5
Romanian Deadlifts 5x5
Standing Calf Raises 5x5
Hanging Leg Raises 5x 10-15

Day 3:Back, Traps, Biceps

Bent Rows 5x5
Lat Pulldowns 5x5
Barbell Shrugs 5x5
Standing Barbell Curls 5x5

Day 4: Chest Shoulders Triceps

Bench Presses 3x10
Barbell Overhead presses 3x10
Lying Triceps Extensions 3x10

Day 5:Legs Calves Abs
Squats 3x10
Romanian Deadlifts 3x10
Seated Calf Raises 3x10
Crunches 5x 15-20

Day 6 Back Traps Biceps

Bent Rows 3x10
Barbell Shrugs 3x10
Barbell Curls 3x10

That looks more do-able. Try it out and let us know how it goes.

I could be wrong here, but I am getting from your posts that you are somwhat of a novice.

If that is true, may I point out that most people do not recommend doing steroids until you have learned to diet and train well. Some even recommend getting as far as you can before juicing.

I have heard it likened to putting nitrous and turbo in a Honda Civic without knowing how to drive.

Hope it works out for you.