Ok, tried this for the first time last week, and I think it worked. I have been taking a week off every 8-10 weeks for recovery, however, the more I read about it, the more a “tapering” week every 4-6 sounds good. Basicly, a tapering week is just a week where you reduce the volume heavily to allow for supercompensation (recovery) of your muscle groups.
Now I did this, not by reducing the number of sets and reps, but by cutting down to 2 workouts, making both of those workouts less than 10 minutes, and using the tabata method with front squats on tuesday and overhead squats on friday.
What do you guys think of this. I know tabata is difficult to recover from, but I figured 2 sessions wouldnt be to bad, and not to taxing on my muscles. What does the rest of T-Nation think of this? Feel free to tear it apart.
[quote]wressler125 wrote:
Ok, tried this for the first time last week, and I think it worked. I have been taking a week off every 8-10 weeks for recovery, however, the more I read about it, the more a “tapering” week every 4-6 sounds good. Basicly, a tapering week is just a week where you reduce the volume heavily to allow for supercompensation (recovery) of your muscle groups.
Now I did this, not by reducing the number of sets and reps, but by cutting down to 2 workouts, making both of those workouts less than 10 minutes, and using the tabata method with front squats on tuesday and overhead squats on friday.
What do you guys think of this. I know tabata is difficult to recover from, but I figured 2 sessions wouldnt be to bad, and not to taxing on my muscles. What does the rest of T-Nation think of this? Feel free to tear it apart. [/quote]
its really hard to give you any good advice without detailing your training.
if you had done this tapering week after 6 weeks of 2/aday workouts, it would be much more “recoveriful?” haha than say if you had taken this recovery week after 2days/week oly lifting workouts.
but just as a guess im gonna say its fine, and as long as you feel good, everything feels nice, and you are eager to get back in the gym, do so.
yeah, good point. i would’ve replied the same thing.
I was doing 5 workouts a week. 1 day climbing, 1 day upper body pushing, 1 regular upper body day, and 2 leg days. That, plus wrestling practices 2-3 times per week.
So yeah, its a significant decrease in volume, but the workouts are still tough.