Folks, long time lurker, maybe a couple posts out there I dont know…
I wonder is this has been discussed before, if not here we go
I was diagnosed last August at age 50 with Advanced Prostate Cancer. I won’t bore you with details but summary is to slow progression the treatment path is to stop ALL test production…yup, from balls and some other shit place. This is no post to debate treatment or anything along those lines, I trusty my medical team regarding those things.
However, I’m curious what some of the team at TN and you posters think of ways to support the training we all love?? Stay with foundational ideas i guess? 1g of prot, work hard, etc?
Thanks all. I see alot of p-well ads and various articles on prostate health on TN so thought id ask in case any other brothers might be suffering too and have some safe advice
As far as the trolling, what would i be trolling for? Come on.