Hey everyone,
I just started T-Dawg 2.0 about 1.5 weeks ago and I just started to get adjusted to it. Unfortunately I just came down with some kind of bug. I know that it’s a good idea to lay off the training for a few days to aid in recovery, so I haven’t gone to the gym in the last 2 days. But what about the diet? Is being in caloric deficit while sick a bad idea?
I’m 205 lbs, ~16% bf, and I’m taking in about 2500 calories a day. I’ve been able to keep my carbs really low (under 30 a day).
Since I’m sick, should I 1) raise my caloric intake but keep carbs low as usual, or 2) raise my caloric intake and add some good quality carbs, or 3) stick with what I’m doing right now?
Thanks for any suggestions in advance.