T-Dawg & Flax

Those of you that have done or are currently on the T-Dawg diet… exactly how much flax oil did you or do you take everyday? I know the article says besides the postworkout shake all other cals come from fat and flax oil, but I’m curious as to how others actually divided it out. Also, I’m just starting the diet today and I’m wondering how you guys did on maintaining your LBM while you were on. I was going to try Meltdown for a few weeks to see how that works, and unfortunately I cannot afford any Androsol or anything right now. If my protein intake in adequate, will I be alright? This is the first time I’ve tried a keto diet and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.

Come on guys, I don’t need a right answer. I just want to know what you did.

Typically 2-3 tbs flax per day. The balance of fat being made up mainly with olive oil and nuts.


I thought the majority of calories were supposed to come from flax, 3tbs would only be 330. If I’m supposed to be eating atleast 3000 cals, how will I get the rest without going over the carb limit? Thanks

Chris, any chance you can offer up a suggestion? I’ve read the article about 15 times and I don’t think I’m missing anything. All I want to know is an approximate ratio of how much flax to lo-carb food to shoot for. I have a hectic schedule and if more calories could come from flax it would make things easier on me. Yesterday, I took about 10 tbs. Is this too much? Thank you, any help you can give is very much appreciated.

It sounds like you might be confusing some aspects of the Fat Fast and T-Dawg. I haven’t tried the Fat Fast, but love T-Dawg.
I created a spreadsheet to figure out how grams of each macro I needed and to track my eating. It was pretty easy to get my fat from regular food sources. I got concerned about eating so much saturated fat – too much bacon fatty ground beef. I started eating leaner meats and made up the fat by supplementing with two to three tablespoons of flax per day day.
I’ve had great results on the T-Dawg. I don’t lose that much weight (about a pound per week), but even without Androsol I put on some LBM.

What I did was first figure my daily requirements for each of the macronutrients. For the flax, I can’t remember, I think it was one tablespoon, and maybe 5-10 fish oil caps with every meal except for the post workout and the last meal with the salad. I also took MD6, highly recommended. I would suggest Androsol or Methoxy-7 to help keep the LBM, but it isn’t necessary. I will be starting the T-Dawg diet after finals, so I will be able to give more of a precise protocal. Its been about a year since my last cutting phase and need to do it again.
Hope this helps. Let me know if I can be of anymore assistance.

Between 2-3 tbsp of flax oil should do it. And lots of nuts and olives and cheese etc. Personally I never lost any muscle and kept my protein intake to roughly .8 of my bodyweight. I used MD6 and T2 (the old version). I’m sure this goes without saying but write down everything you eat so you know where(at least in my case)you are screwing up. I also did much better when I took in less calories than the recommended 16-18 times your bodyweight. So with good notes you can figure out what works best for you. It really is a great diet–fairly painless and good results. Keep us posted and best of luck!

Alright, thanks boys. After looking thru my food logs from the last couple of days, I think I figured a way to get everything in. Yeah, I’m also going to go less than the recommended 16-18 calorie calculation. After posting the first msg I just decided screw it and went out to get some androsol, actually he had nandrosol on the shelf (i thought this wasn’t produced anymore…?), so I got it. I also got a bottle of T2. Thanks again for your help, and I’ll keep whoevers interested posted.

Right on ryno. Lemme know how Meltdown goes for you. Are you planning on doing any cardio at all? Oh yeah, and don’t forget a good fiber supplement. Without one the diet will be much more painful if you know what I mean . . .

I thought maybe I’ll do a day of cardio between the meltdown days. 2 days of meltdown, one day light cardio, 2 days meltdown. I’ve been applying 35 Nandro sprays twice a day, should I up this? Also have been taking ALA & T2 three times a day.

I have never used Nandrosol so I dunno what would be the best amount. Just curious but where did you get it? Do you have the old T2 or the new T2 pro and are you using MD6? As far as ALA goes this is a question for more scientific minds than mine but I thought there was ALA in the flax oil. There is 100mg per MD6 capsule and the diet recommends 200mg 3 times per day so depending on how much MD6 you are taking you can supplement with additional ALA. Again though, the ALA question is probably one for someone like Bill Roberts or Brock.

Hey bud, I got the Nandro in this nutrition store around here. I think I saw a few more bottles on the shelf, I’m a broke ass student though so I couldn’t get anymore. It was 59.95. He also had the old T2, and no MD6 (which was what I was looking for). I’m not sure about the flax tho, I’ve been taking alot of that anyways. Like 7-8 tbsp a day, hope thats not bad… guess I’ll find out.

The T2 is a great deal because it will last a while. MD6 is also a great deal for the money esp. if you are not used to ephedrine because you don’t need much. The MD6 will also KILL your cravings for carbs–buy, borrow or steal a bottle now!!

I’ll definately do that, but it’s going to have to wait a week. I am really flat ass broke right now. I spent everything I had I that Nandro and T2. I really havent been craving carbs yet, but I don’t know what will be happenin’ tomorrow? I will admit though, I find myself keeping the refrigerator door open a little longer everyday just looking around. But I am maintaining. Take er easy.

Question, T-shredderz, For the T-dawg breakfast can I replace the bacon/eggs with a very low carb MRP (Advanced Protein?) and some nuts or flax? Thanks.

“MB Eric, cuttin’ it up since 1977.”


I don’t see why not, so long as you’re carbs are staying low. I can’t go without my bacon though, I love it.