As most of you know (and read on the side
of the bottle), we suggest 150mcg per
day as the maximum amount of T-2 a person
should use.
Because safety is always our number one
concern, Bill and I decided this was the
best approach and would still yield quite
good results.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have been
supervising about half a dozen people
who have elected to increase the dosage
beyond Biotest’s suggestion.
I am happy to report that there are no
real adverse side effects with people
going as high as 300mcg per day.
Now I am in no way suggesting or encouraging
anyone to ignore the warnings or suggested
doses that Biotest has put on the label.
What I am saying is that going beyond at that,
at your own peril of course, is not going
to bother most people.
I had one woman, who started a fat fast
with Nandrosol and T-2 at 186 pounds.
After two weeks, her weight had leveled off
at 173 pounds and she could not seem to
lose anymore without starving herself.
So we made one of the fast days a day of
“protein only” and doubled her T-2 dosage
to 300mcg per day (2 caps 3X per day) and
she dropped 7 pounds the 1st week and
4 pounds the next week (she is at 162 now).
I am sure some of this is water and she
was kind of bitchy (PMS, I am sure she’ll
gain a little of it back). But shit, she
lost 24 pounds in a month and there is
no way that is all water. Her goal is
to get to 150 and I bet she hits it in
3 weeks.
I had another guy using Cytomel (T-3) at
150mcg per day. Against advice, he started
his cycle (30mg of orally Winny +
20mg of Oxandrolone + 150mcg of T-3 per day)
without having enough stuff to last the
full 6 weeks (he had an order pending with
some source). Two weeks into this cycle,
his order was “delayed” and he had to cut
back off the Anavar and use only Winny which
he bumped to 50mg per day…he also ran
out of Cytomel so we switched him to
300mcg of T-2 per day. He swears he could
not tell the difference between 150mcg of
T-3 and 300mcg of T-2.
I could go on and on but basically, it seems that T-2 is about 1/2 as potent as T-2 wrt to fat burning and it seems relatively safe at up to 300mcg per day.
Update ended :-)