Yeah, I know it could kill me but is there a reasonable protocol for using this stuff? I’ve got a really easy source. Goal is obviously to drop some more bodyfat. I’m at <14.5% and looking for 10%.
Help me out guys.
Sorry, I’ve never heard of Synthroid being a product for helping decrease fat loss.
Its a thyroxin (T-4) sub.
There seems to be very little information on how to properly use T4. I don’t know why, but I would like to see some. On the other hand you could use cytomel(T3). There’s much more info on that.
No offense here, but you’re being quite lazy about this. You have a relatively small amount of fat to drop, and you’re going to resort to a potentially dangerous substance to do it. You obviously have all the tools available to you (i.e. this whole site) to get it accomplished in a much safer way. Remember that a little willpower goes a long way.
Ever seen a frog? That is what you risk doing to your self with this stuff as well as stifle your own Thyriod production. This is one of those you just don’t want to screw with. You have to be very careful with the endocrine system, it strives for balance. Therefore it will do what ever it takes to maintain that balance, which can get ugly (literally) Testosterone has been pretty well studied and its effects are pretty well known. Besides you can actually live with out it if you had to, which would suck, but you can. Take MD6 or some ECA stack, it’s far safer. Synthroid is just not worth the risk for a damn six pack.
If you take synthroid you will slow your own throid production. when you quit taking it you will get fatter than you are now. CLEAN UP YOUR DIET! Even when you get to 10% you have to maintain a good diet or else you’ll go back to 14% in a month or 2. you can’t just lean out and expectb it to stay.
Come on T-people…I’ve been using this sight for a while. I’ve bought and used enough Bio-Test products to earn stock options. I’ve done Fat Fast, I use MD6 (8 caps/day), I eat clean, I’ve got a good routine and 10% bf is going to happen soon whether I add Synthroid or not. Just looking for knowledge of how this crap is used 'cause its just another tool. I’d really like to get off this fucking cutting cycle and start building again.
Lipo, like you said, 10% is gonna happen whether you use it or not. It’s very dangerous stuff when not used properly and IS NOT just another tool. It’s simply not worth the potential side effects. I’m not attacking you here. Just trying to look out for a fellow T-brother.
Fuck, I hate it when people bitch about the dangers about something, when the person wanted facts. Why don’t people bitch about EC, andro, protein, weights, etc.? We should do everything the slow inefficent way! In fact tomorrow I’m going to stop eating and maybe I’ll get super ripped because I’m doing it the natural way. Both t3 and t4 can be used effectively without any danger. Although I would stress that there is less info on t4 than there is on t3. Anyway, all I could find on t4 is that it is roughly 1/4 as strong as t3. Therefore a mild dose would be approx. 100mcg ed this would as effective as 25mcg of t3 ed. The concensus seems to be that t4 is simply inefficient, espicially compared to t3.
Oh, by the way DocT, why is that you are telling someone else that there being “lazy” in regards to using chemicals to acheive their goal. Aren’t you trying to use an andro/nandro stack to gain weigth? Why don’t you just eat more, it much safer! You are being lazy about this…
HyaSynth, I kinda hate it when people assume they know more than they do too, which you do in nearly every post you make. I don’t “bitch” about any of the other things you mentioned because none of them are near as potentially dangerous in the short term as exogenous thyroid hormone. The FACTS are that, without knowing a full medical history and going through a complete medical exam, nobody can know with 100% certainty that taking synthroid (or cytomel) isn’t going to cause immediate and/or lasting damage to the person. As someone who knows quite a bit about this subject, I find it irresponsible to give out information on this subject without knowing much more about the individual in question. I also find it irresponsible to give out “generic” doses to someone who readily admits he doesn’t need it. You don’t like it…fine, that’s your opinion. Like I said before, I’m merely trying to help the guy.
Here is some info that may be usefu:
"I spoke with an endocrinologist who holds a faculty position in an academic medical center in the Midwest.
In essence, this physician told me that he couldn’t see any permanent damage to the thyroid gland from the short term use of T2 or T3 (meaning that we were wrong all these years when we preached about the dangers of croaking our thyroid glands from using Cytomel for a month).
He did, however, mention that acute, hyperexposure could have deleterious effects on the heart and cardiovascular system. He also pointed out that while short-term exposure would not “kill” the thyroid gland, it might depress function after being on it for months on end.
This would lead to lowering the basal metabolic rate to a point where rapid accumulations of fat was possible. To prevent this, we’re suggesting that people who elect to try T2 only use 50-150 micrograms (one capsule, one to three times per day) for no more than 30 days without a 45-day break in between cycles."
Being pretensious RULES!!!
Thanks Hy (and everyone else),
Right now T4 is the only thing available. If thyroid inhibitition vs effect is too damn high to bother then fuck it. Anyone with new info is welcome to post.
HyaSynth, I’m not so much concerned about the long-term effects here, as he only expressed interest in the short term. I completely agree that, in all probability, there would be no long-term depression of thyroid function in this case. However, in the short term, there are many more concerns. The “deleterious effects” you spoke of include cardiac arrythmias and sudden death. Those are quite dramatic side effects if your dosages happen to be wrong or you have a pre-existing condition that might predispose you to such arrythmias. That’s my main concern here. Trust me, I’m not trying to be a horse’s ass here. I think people should be able to do whatever they want. I just think they should be informed about whatever they’re taking and the possible serious “side effects.”