Anyone going to this years SWIS symposium?
Just made my air and hotel reservations.
For those that don’t know about SWIS, read this week’s article here: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION
I was there last year. I had a great time and the knowledge I gained was tremendous.
I’ll be there.
Sounds like a great conf. I probably won’t be able to attend (damn). However, I contacted SWIS and tapes will be available but not till December.
Which presenters are you guys going to see? Top choices for me are King, Berardi, and Tate. I’m also going to be checking out Dr. Leahy’s two presentations on ART as well as a few others.
Mel Siff for sure.
Not counting T-mag writers, I’m interested in seeing Dr.Jerome Rerucha’s
“How To Remove Weight-Training Emotional Blocks”. Sounds very interesting.
BTW, either Friday or Saturday night, a bunch of us are going to go out to a good resaurant and eat until we pass out. Any T-mag readers who want to come along are welcome.
Lets see last time I was in Toronto…the name of the restaurant escapes me but it’s Star something…Lone Star…I can’t remember but the food is good. It’s like a Steak house so a Texan like you will probably enjoy yourself. Now where it is in relation to the symposium??? I’m alot of help eh???
The Lone Star restaurant is on front street, about a 10 minute walk from the hotel across from the convention center.
There are better restaurants one block west of the hotel, plus thats where all the clubs and good looking ladies are. Have fun.
Ha I was right. As for ladies if I remember 2 years ago there were alot of hot ones at the convention…and a few that well…reminded me of She-Hulk.