Sweden Democrats/Swedish Election Results

Swedish politics normally don’t make headlines around the world, but still, I’m kind of surprised that no one’s posted anything on this yet (it’s kind of big in parts of the blogoshpere):


"Anti-immigration sentiment grows in Sweden

STOCKHOLM â?? A far-right group’s election breakthrough has shattered Sweden’s reputation as a bastion of tolerance after years of being seemingly inoculated against the backlash on immigration seen elsewhere in Europe.
Sunday’s election showed that the country’s welcome to refugees is not universally accepted: Nearly 6 percent of the population voted for a nationalist group that accuses immigrants â?? especially Muslims â?? of eroding Sweden’s national identity and its cherished welfare state."

6% may not sound like a big deal, but with the current political makeup of the Swedish Parliament it basically puts the Sweden Democrats (SD) in a postion as a tie-breaker, which is essentially what they’d hoped for going into this election.

I’m not surprised that there’s a backlash against Sweden’s liberal immigration policies, and that it gains traction in troubled times (financial crisis and what not), and this is a reflection of a greater European trend as well.

I get that people are worried, pissed off, fed up, what have you, because I can get that way myself at times.

However, here’s an overview of the history of the SD: The History of the Sweden Democrats - Little Green Footballs

I hope as many people as possible bother to read this before cheering this development on. I’m not quite buying the whole ‘we’ve cleaned up our act’ thing from the SD.

[quote]Carl_ wrote:
I’m not quite buying the whole ‘we’ve cleaned up our act’ thing from the SD.[/quote]

Besides the half a million Swedes who voted for them, nobody’s buying that either.

It’s an oversimplification, but most people who voted SD are really just uneducated hillbillies. In urban areas (think Stockholm), the party did very poorly.

So far, all political parties refused to work with the “racists”, and the civil society is hard at work to smudge this party and its members.

On a side note, last week some leader of the party was allegedly attacked by two “Arabic sounding” who broke in his home and carved a swastika in his forehead (Inglorious Basterds style!). The chief forensic doctor working estimated that the wound was 90% self-inflicted. He is now being prosecuted for faking his attack.

And anyone who knows about the context in which the party grew, knows the so-called Swedish Democrats are nothing but a Nazi bunch.

P.S: Run-up to the current situation

C’MON ! Who’s carving a swastika onto his OWN head just to pull something off!
I mean he could have just demolished his home or even hired some masked nazi-pals!
That’s so ridiculous to prosecute him!

Truth is, besides bad integration Sweden has some extremely fine examples of integration.

Still, it IS a sensitive issue and social-democrats pay for a long period of sub-optimal politics. You can call it bad communication if you don’t agree with me.

Also, some fresh wind is always good when it comes to government.
Speaking of wind: The sails of my favorite swedish party sufferd from a terrible calm.


WOW. I hadn’t heard of them. 6% for neo-nazis is a lot.

But I question, in what sense are they “right wing”?

Also, Muslim is not a race and their stance on immigration is entirely different than the current struggle in AZ that the author compares it to.

[quote]lixy wrote:

[quote]Carl_ wrote:
I’m not quite buying the whole ‘we’ve cleaned up our act’ thing from the SD.[/quote]

Besides the half a million Swedes who voted for them, nobody’s buying that either.

It’s an oversimplification, but most people who voted SD are really just uneducated hillbillies. In urban areas (think Stockholm), the party did very poorly.

So far, all political parties refused to work with the “racists”, and the civil society is hard at work to smudge this party and its members.

On a side note, last week some leader of the party was allegedly attacked by two “Arabic sounding” who broke in his home and carved a swastika in his forehead (Inglorious Basterds style!). The chief forensic doctor working estimated that the wound was 90% self-inflicted. He is now being prosecuted for faking his attack.

And anyone who knows about the context in which the party grew, knows the so-called Swedish Democrats are nothing but a Nazi bunch.

P.S: Run-up to the current situation


I know. Some Swedes seem to be somewhat in a state of shock over this, though, judging by what I’ve seen on SVT, and the Swedes I’ve talked to. Reminds me of what we went through in the 80’s with the Progress Party - who have since cleaned up their act considerably, I might add, lest someone think I’m equating the two…

[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:
C’MON ! Who’s carving a swastika onto his OWN head just to pull something off!
I mean he could have just demolished his home or even hired some masked nazi-pals!
That’s so ridiculous to prosecute him!

Truth is, besides bad integration Sweden has some extremely fine examples of integration.

Still, it IS a sensitive issue and social-democrats pay for a long period of sub-optimal politics. You can call it bad communication if you don’t agree with me.

Also, some fresh wind is always good when it comes to government.
Speaking of wind: The sails of my favorite swedish party sufferd from a terrible calm.



Yes, the Social Democrats are paying a prize here, for sure… I don’t mind that. But to call the SD “fresh wind”… I can think of other descriptions :wink:

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:

But I question, in what sense are they “right wing”?


Well, parties like the SD and their European kindred spirits are frequently described as “far-right populists”.

The SD fit the bill, IMO…

[quote]Carl_ wrote:
Swedish politics normally don’t make headlines around the world, but still, I’m kind of surprised that no one’s posted anything on this yet (it’s kind of big in parts of the blogoshpere):


"Anti-immigration sentiment grows in Sweden

STOCKHOLM Ã?¢?? A far-right group’s election breakthrough has shattered Sweden’s reputation as a bastion of tolerance after years of being seemingly inoculated against the backlash on immigration seen elsewhere in Europe.
Sunday’s election showed that the country’s welcome to refugees is not universally accepted: Nearly 6 percent of the population voted for a nationalist group that accuses immigrants Ã?¢?? especially Muslims Ã?¢?? of eroding Sweden’s national identity and its cherished welfare state."

6% may not sound like a big deal, but with the current political makeup of the Swedish Parliament it basically puts the Sweden Democrats (SD) in a postion as a tie-breaker, which is essentially what they’d hoped for going into this election.

I’m not surprised that there’s a backlash against Sweden’s liberal immigration policies, and that it gains traction in troubled times (financial crisis and what not), and this is a reflection of a greater European trend as well.

I get that people are worried, pissed off, fed up, what have you, because I can get that way myself at times.

However, here’s an overview of the history of the SD: The History of the Sweden Democrats - Little Green Footballs

I hope as many people as possible bother to read this before cheering this development on. I’m not quite buying the whole ‘we’ve cleaned up our act’ thing from the SD.[/quote]

The Swedes need to thank Ayn Rand for this. Her ideas are finally starting to liberate the world. People are starting to realize that your life and country are sacred, not to be given away to random strangers at the drop of a hat.

GO Swedes! Selfishness is GOOD!!!

Who is John Galt?

Blut und Boden!!!

That might be a potentially harmful attitude, btw. Challenge them on ideology and they might not withstand the subsequent daylight, as it were. Make it personal and people tend to circle the wagons.

[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:
C’MON ! Who’s carving a swastika onto his OWN head just to pull something off! [/quote]

I don’t know, mate. Someone seriously screwed up looking for martyr status and a publicity stunt during election period.

If he was attacked, yes! If he faked it, it’ ridiculous not to.

Either way, this story is really strange.

Social Democrats didn’t hold parliament in the last 4 years. It was a right-wing coalition.

In general, sure! But I wouldn’t agree when founding members of the fresh-wind-party are Nazi-sympathizers and SS veterans.


They did better than before. And, anyway, the Green party lately aligned itself with the Pirate Party’s position on Wikileaks, TPB, etc. and the Greens got around 8% of the votes.

The German Pirates seem stronger at this point. Maybe they’ll watch this election and it will push them to change that childish name. Call it the Free Information Party ar something more grown up.

[quote]Carl_ wrote:

Blut und Boden!!!

Don’t feed the troll.

well hopefully sd dont get any power. the other partys have agreed on isolating them, hopefully they succseed in this.

but it must be seen as an symptom of a people who are tired of voting on bullshit partys like the moderatparty and the socialdemocrats. they are the same.

[quote]Carl_ wrote:

Blut und Boden!!!

If your self and your country don’t belong to you, then to whom do they belong?

Look, Islam is NOT a religion. Its simply an anti-west ideology disguised as one. The people of Sweden are beginning to realize this. Soon, they (and any country that wants to survive) will send Muslims back to their own little paradise, where they can shoot each other in the name of Allah.

The good news is, they’re under heavy scrutiny.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]Carl_ wrote:

Blut und Boden!!!

If your self and your country don’t belong to you, then to whom do they belong?

Look, Islam is NOT a religion. Its simply an anti-west ideology disguised as one. The people of Sweden are beginning to realize this. Soon, they (and any country that wants to survive) will send Muslims back to their own little paradise, where they can shoot each other in the name of Allah.

apparently neither of you know anything about rand. she despised all collectives, including country.

What this shows is the double standards that are applied to reporting on politics. A small party in Sweden gets a handful of seats in an increasingly irrelevant national parliament but it is big news because some of the party founders were skinheads. On the other hand when Jose Barosso was elected President of the European Commission by some of the biggest political parties in Europe nobody raised a fuss about the fact that he is a communist and was leader of the Maoist MRPP.

Western European politics is dominated by marxist internationalists who are hellbent on using mass immigration to destroy the national identity of the various European peoples. Ultimately they are the ones who through their policy decisions are driving people to turn to parties that will protect their interests. There are only 9,500,000 people living in Sweden which means it is not a country that can absorb millions of immigrants and maintain it’s identity.

13% of the swedish population were born aboard.
that being said, most of them come from other scandinavian countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark or other North European Country like Poland.

there is people from former yougoslavia, Irak, Iran and Lebanon but they are less than 200 000 total.

which means that a good part of the voters of this populist party, especially those from rural areas have never seen a middle easterner or an african in their whole existence.

and a good part of these people who just want to preserve their endangered identity are nothing more than postmodern teenagers who fantasize about their “viking” past, and who happened to be 18 and able to vote.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]Carl_ wrote:

Blut und Boden!!!

If your self and your country don’t belong to you, then to whom do they belong?

Look, Islam is NOT a religion. Its simply an anti-west ideology disguised as one. The people of Sweden are beginning to realize this. Soon, they (and any country that wants to survive) will send Muslims back to their own little paradise, where they can shoot each other in the name of Allah.

Could you help me tie your anti-collectist, rational, yet religious, nationalist and militaristic leanings together?

And of course how you would think that Ayn Rand would not laugh in your face, if her contempt would allow her even that?

[quote]lixy wrote:

[quote]Carl_ wrote:
I’m not quite buying the whole ‘we’ve cleaned up our act’ thing from the SD.[/quote]

Besides the half a million Swedes who voted for them, nobody’s buying that either.

It’s an oversimplification, but most people who voted SD are really just uneducated hillbillies. In urban areas (think Stockholm), the party did very poorly.

So far, all political parties refused to work with the “racists”, and the civil society is hard at work to smudge this party and its members.

On a side note, last week some leader of the party was allegedly attacked by two “Arabic sounding” who broke in his home and carved a swastika in his forehead (Inglorious Basterds style!). The chief forensic doctor working estimated that the wound was 90% self-inflicted. He is now being prosecuted for faking his attack.

And anyone who knows about the context in which the party grew, knows the so-called Swedish Democrats are nothing but a Nazi bunch.

P.S: Run-up to the current situation

It’s funny how leftist types are about the little man and the ‘people’ but will call them “uneducated hillbillies” (no college indoctrination) if they happen to disagree.