I think people hated Obama so bad they picked Republican people just to counteract him. It was Bush last time that people compensated with Democrats, now it’s a 180 degree turn. I am questioning faith in humanity after the votes. Apparently abortion is now illegal in Tenessee. We’ll see how that goes, people having unwanted children. And what shocked me most is that Colorado, Oregon, and Hawaii all had a prop to label GMOs, and only Hawaii passed it. Really? I’m appalled. Although the evil pro-GMO companies spent tons more money on campaigning, why in the hell would people not want to know whether their food contains GMO ingredients. I can’t believe this.
Marijuana is now legal in Oregon, Alaska, and D.C. now, that’s one of the only reasons to be happy. I don’t smoke it, but once it’s legal in every state, there will be less crime, less gangs, less jail crowding, taxes from marijuana that will be useful, possibly less alcohol usage, and the top reason is that there will then be room for effort to decriminalize LSD and shrooms. As Ray Peat said, they are anti-serotonergic and greatly theraputic. They have the power to confront people to their unconscious, and end this widespread addiction to bliss ignorance.
Hallucinogenic drugs have “the power to confront people to their unconscious?” Groovy man. I don’t know what it means but it sounds hip and totally unsquare. But didn’t we try that in the late 69’s and didn’t it end with a generation of mentally ill individuals who now dominate the cultural sphere and shove nihilism down our throats at every turn?
OP - I’m just curious. How would you justify legalising LSD on practical grounds. Pretend you’re explaining it to an unenlightened square. Why do we want to do this? What will it achieve practically. And what can we expect from an LSD generation? Is this about turning the country into one big Haight-Ashbury commune or something? What’s the end game here?
Correct, amendment 1 passed making abortion illegal in our state. It was expected though, no real surprise since we eliminated a woman’s right to vote in 2010. What really caught me by surprise was that amendment 2 passed! It looks like we are the first state to re-institute Jim Crow! Looks like it narrowly passed with 52% of the vote.
What do you think the ramifications will be in Tennessee? I’d love to hear your analysis.
[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Correct, amendment 1 passed making abortion illegal in our state. It was expected though, no real surprise since we eliminated a woman’s right to vote in 2010. What really caught me by surprise was that amendment 2 passed! It looks like we are the first state to re-institute Jim Crow! Looks like it narrowly passed with 52% of the vote.
What do you think the ramifications will be in Tennessee? I’d love to hear your analysis.
You’re joking, right?
Edit–obviously joking. I haven’t had enough coffee to wade into PWI yet…
Amendment 1 doesn’t make abortion illegal. It does however give the state legislature a wider and more powerful tool to regulate and limit them.
[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Correct, amendment 1 passed making abortion illegal in our state. It was expected though, no real surprise since we eliminated a woman’s right to vote in 2010. What really caught me by surprise was that amendment 2 passed! It looks like we are the first state to re-institute Jim Crow! Looks like it narrowly passed with 52% of the vote.
What do you think the ramifications will be in Tennessee? I’d love to hear your analysis.
[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Correct, amendment 1 passed making abortion illegal in our state. It was expected though, no real surprise since we eliminated a woman’s right to vote in 2010. What really caught me by surprise was that amendment 2 passed! It looks like we are the first state to re-institute Jim Crow! Looks like it narrowly passed with 52% of the vote.
What do you think the ramifications will be in Tennessee? I’d love to hear your analysis.
You’re joking, right?[/quote]
Lol, yes dude. You need coffee. [/quote]
Fucking fuck. Yes I do, see my edit right before you posted lol
[quote]Brett620 wrote:
Correct, amendment 1 passed making abortion illegal in our state. It was expected though, no real surprise since we eliminated a woman’s right to vote in 2010. What really caught me by surprise was that amendment 2 passed! It looks like we are the first state to re-institute Jim Crow! Looks like it narrowly passed with 52% of the vote.
What do you think the ramifications will be in Tennessee? I’d love to hear your analysis.
You’re joking, right?
Edit–obviously joking. I haven’t had enough coffee to wade into PWI yet…
Amendment 1 doesn’t make abortion illegal. It does however give the state legislature a wider and more powerful tool to regulate and limit them.[/quote]
Let me see if I understand this. Prior to the amend. 1 in Tenn a high school girl would have to get parental permission for some medications from the school nurse for an illness, but NO parental notification for having an abortion?
Marijuana is now legal in Oregon, Alaska, and D.C. now it’s legal in every state, there will be less crime, less gangs, less jail crowding, taxes from marijuana that will be useful, possibly less alcohol usage.[/quote]
Yes, and you should have stopped right there…marijuana is not nearly on the same level as LDS and shrooms…not even close bud.
Marijuana is now legal in Oregon, Alaska, and D.C. now it’s legal in every state, there will be less crime, less gangs, less jail crowding, taxes from marijuana that will be useful, possibly less alcohol usage.[/quote]
Yes, and you should have stopped right there…marijuana is not nearly on the same level as LDS and shrooms…not even close bud.[/quote]
I haven’t met too many guys from Utah who claim the LDS is worse than pot and should be banned. You must have some stories to tell.
Marijuana is now legal in Oregon, Alaska, and D.C. now it’s legal in every state, there will be less crime, less gangs, less jail crowding, taxes from marijuana that will be useful, possibly less alcohol usage.[/quote]
Yes, and you should have stopped right there…marijuana is not nearly on the same level as LDS and shrooms…not even close bud.[/quote]
I haven’t met too many guys from Utah who claim the LDS is worse than pot and should be banned. You must have some stories to tell.
Dammit dammit dammit you just beat me to it. You win this round, my friend.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
I think this sums up America’s feelings on the “Obama Doctrine”.
Yes it will change in the future, no the Republicans won’t always dominate like this, but wow…
I’ll be honest, after 2012, I didn’t expect this, not one bit. [/quote]
A race that was interesting to me was Pete Gallego (typical race-baiting corrupt Democrat) from the border of Texas nearish (in SW USA terms) to my part of New Mexico. He’s from Alpine area, which is probably 90% Hispanic. Very much part of the entrenched Democrat machine in border-area Texas/NM.
Anyway, as has been my experience with Hispanics (and my fellow Apache) in the desert SW, they were Democrat by tradition, but conservative in beliefs.
A black guy (and he’s probably the only black guy in the whole area) literally walked door-to-door and explained to hard-working people why they, as hard-working, believing Catholics, were really Republicans.\
And dang if the black guy didn’t win.
Susana Martinez (gov. of NM) did the same thing now, twice, and our state is infested with silver pony tails from California.
So much for Hispanics being a Democrat block. Obama opened their eyes.