Sushi (maki rolls) for Bodybuilders ??

Is it just me or do I not see bodybuilders write/talk much about how great sushi is as a meal. I even did the search and came up with nothing. Is it just obvious that the EFAs and high quality protein from my spicy salmon rolls are good for me or is the miso soup, white rice, and avocado not making my sushi rolls the dinner of champions?

Sushi is my “snack” or meal of choice (when eating out) during precontest. I know LOTS of competitive BB’ers that eat sushi. And I’m pretty lucky, too: Portland, OR has got some EXCELLENT sushi restaurants. Oh, and Ko makes sushi for us at home - so I’m lucky there, too :slight_smile:

I personally eat sashimi which is just the fish. You dont get the carbs and you still reap the protein and omega fatty acids. Not to mention the best food ever. EVER. Kinda expensive though—sucks for my poor ass-thank god i have rich parents

Sub seaweed salad for miso soup and you have a top notch meal. Dont eat California roll, get real fish.

Its the dinner of champions…rich champions

I eat sushi 4 or 5 times a week. If you stick to plain old nigiri sushi (the raw fish on top of rice) you have a perfect protein carb meal as well as getting some undenatured EFA’s. Spicy tuna rolls usually have soy oil mixed in so stay away from those.

White rice is middle of the line as far as GI goes, so it depends on how you handle carbs. I do fine on white rice so maki sushi is great for me. If you do not handle carbs well, then stick to sashimi. As for the miso, a little every now and then won’t hurt you.

Sushi is GREAT! Too much though can make you not train the next day :). you see, they kinda have a LOT of rice in them, and they are molded and …anyway, it’s not very good for the stomach. Hey, if you can digest that stuff, then go for it. Sure tastes great!

Never mind I should have searched “forum” and not the regular website…thanks for all the sushi info guys.

definately one of the best meals ive had in a long time was, the salad and miso soup+ 3 salmon, 3 red snapper, 3yellowtail, 2 crab and 3 ‘tuna’. all sashimi. SOOO good. salmon was probably the best for me, and definately the tastiest


Sushi/sashimi rocks. :) I love avocados and raw fish and a ton of ginger. Whenever my coworkers and I go to a sushi restaurant, we end up blowing about $30-40/person for lunch (not including tax/tip).