Hey guys,
I’ve only been working out since the end of January so I’m fairly new to all this stuff. So I’m thinking about (probably will) getting the Surge Recovery in the near future. Should I mix that with my protein powder and/or creatine (I will be restarting creatine either in July or August) or should the protein shake be taken later on? Any help is appreciated.
And I’ve been using the Low-Carb Metabolic Drive as my shake if it makes any difference.
[quote]JGiannone8824 wrote:
Hey guys,
I’ve only been working out since the end of January so I’m fairly new to all this stuff. So I’m thinking about (probably will) getting the Surge Recovery in the near future. Should I mix that with my protein powder and/or creatine (I will be restarting creatine either in July or August) or should the protein shake be taken later on? Any help is appreciated.[/quote]
It’s a good idea to mix your creatine with Surge Recovery, but there’s no need to add protein since Surge Recovery already contains it.
I recommend drinking Surge Recovery with creatine 10 minutes before you start training. Then have a 2-scoop serving of Metabolic Drive as soon as you finish the workout.
What Brian recommended is exactly what I’ve been doing TS, except I add in Surge Workout Fuel a half hour before. It’s by far MY favorite protocol and I’ve tried them all. The only one I can stomache unfortunately, but it’s not far off from the best.
Brian, how important is adding the creatine around my workouts? I just started adding creatine to my Metabolic Drive/Superfood a few hours before bed. I don’t know why I’ve yet to store it in my locker along with the Surge products (I just started using it a week ago and haven’t got around to it).
I know the obvious answer is yes get it in your Surge Recovery, but does it make much of a difference this early? I hate packing around an extra container (I don’t drive).
Pretty sure creatine works better when mixed with sugar.
[quote]RMorrison wrote:
Pretty sure creatine works better when mixed with sugar.[/quote]
Its the insulin spike.
Whey protein spikes insulin (all food does, but yeah, whey is sufficient. You dont NEED carbs with your creatine. Certainly nothing wrong with using carbs though.