[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
[quote]Toshiero wrote:
I know I was about 230 I think which is really shitty[/quote]
You’re hypogonadal. Normal range for T is 300 to 1000 ng/dl. Dieting and exercise don’t fix dysfunctional pituitaries and testicles.
How do you know nobody in your city or state practices TRT.
Do your best to find a urologist that had a fellowship in andrology (an andrologist). [/quote]
Or you can stop being an internet doctor and try to look at the whole picture, instead of a random number taken from a snapshot of time, to form an opinion.
Obviously this guy is pretty fat. Fat cells are one of the main places where testosterone aromatizes to estradiol. Estradiol gives negative feedback to T production. So excess fat → T aromatizing to E2 at a higher than usual (for the particular person) rate → High E2 sends negative feedback to the brain. The brain thinks that T must be too high if too much E2 is present and “dials down” production of T. → negative feedback loop exacerbates itself because high E2 and low T creates an ideal hormonal environment for fat storage.
OP: my suggestion would be to get to 10% bodyfat before going on HRT for the rest of your life. If that doesnt help (which it certainly may not) then you should look into a more serious treatment. [/quote]
I’m not sure how I’m an internet doctor by recommending someone see a doctor. [/quote]
You told him he was hypogonadal (a medical diagnosis that may or may not be correct). Then you said that diet and exercise dont fix dysfunctional testes. (In the strict sense that may be true.) That it is clearly implying that his testes ARE dysfunctional and NOT implying that his hormones may be out of whack for a completely different reason and that his testes may work just fine.
So while a diet may not fix a broken HPTA, there is no way you can know that his HPTA is broken. Therefore it is a possibility that his condition can be postively affected by diet and exercise.
And losing excess bodyfat will be the first thing a doctor recommends. Or if not the first thing, at least before TRT is discussed.
OP for the trigs and cholesterol, watch carbohydrates. Reducing bodyfat will postively affect both of those things as well. Fish oil is a very good addition.
You may want to look into D-aspartic acid for the testosterone boosting effects. Biotest also sells an herbal testosterone booster.