
Surge, occasional MRPs depending on what my days are like at the moment (I loved original, higher carb Grow – thank God they’re bringing it back!), multivitamin (GNC’s Mega Men) and I LOOOOOVED Nandrosol! The BASTARDS who killed that one . . . !!! Curiously, Dana, hasn’t ephedrine been known to be MORE thermogenic than norephedrine? Or do I have it backwards?

Dana I think you may have misunderstood my caculations. 6 caps/day would be 2 bottles/month. Syntrabol sells for $50/bottle here so $100/month. Don’t forget it costs me $1.50 Can. to buy 1 greenback, so $50 is actually not too bad. For the most part we generally end up paying about double the US price with shipping, customs&brokerage. I can buy Methoxy, Surge, Myostat(40cap) and Grow for $50 Can. each so I actually save money versus having it shipped up.

As far as ephedrine and norephedrine, I still think norephedrine, providing you get the correct isomer of it is the strongest alkaloid around, hands down. I wish MD6 never actually switched its original formulation with it in it. Though I can appreciate the approach given by many to try and sell ephedra sinica as “more effective,” my success has truly come when taking norephedrine - IT IS TRULY LIKE NIGHT AND DAY. Seeing how not many actually sell norephedrine now, I would assume that is more due to pressures placed out there (b/c I think people are more scared when something works - case in point FDA and reg. ephedra) than a lack of raw material as most would have you to believe - gotta love supplement manufacturers’ “stories,” I guess. The recent hit to ephedra is still a blow to us all as we have now lost the “second best” out on the market.

Hey, fellow T.O. bro- where do you buy your Methoxy? Retail? I usually pay $65- $70CDN for it at either Ottway or GNC (Gold).$50 bucks for Grow, Surge, Methoxy and Myostat. I used to buy all my stuff at Ottway downtown. I don’t want brag but it was I that convinced them to bring in Surge about a year ago. They weren’t to sure because of the price but then they couldn’t keep it in stock. The price has increased slightly since Upper 49th took over distribution in Canada. Since you are also in T.O. you will likely get your order within 24hrs. I always do. Shipping is Express post. They usually give you a bar or MRP with evey order. I can’t say enough good things about them.

Methoxy-7 $ 29.79 @