Supplements to Take Under TRT

Thank you for the info. I do take Creatine and yes, I know it’s very good.

About fish oil I read the article recently posted here Fish Oil Doubles Strength Increases.

About the HGH (human growth hormone) I read a post from KSman suggesting to take HGH in order to prevent testicular shrinkage and also enhance the effects of TRT. ( i can’t find the link to the post).

Punicalagins. Once again, another post here Punicalagin for Sex, Prostate, and Immunity stating that it’s a strong antioxidant and good for prostate health.

Magnesium. Reading post and articles, saying Bisglycinate helps recovery and better sleep. Same as L-Theanine (I read a post/article) here too.

So, in fact all information about these supplements I mostly took it from post and articles here in T-Nation. The information seemed backed by studies and honestly what I’m looking for is to maximize my training, recovery, strength and general health.

As said, thanks in advance and I hope to receive more comments from other fellow T-Nation mates.