Supplements to Take Under TRT

Hello. My name is Eduardo. I’m 44 with andropause. I started with TRT 2 month ago with a dose of 0.5cc of testosterone enthanate (Bayer) which is equivalent to 125mg every 5 days intramuscularly. I feel very good with this dosage and I am about to do the analysis that I saw suggested in this forum (KSman) shortly. I train everyday (strength training). Also I like to play soccer and paddle some days amd I’m very active. Among what I have read in these pages, the idea of ​​taking some supplements arises and I would like your opinion on their real effectiveness so as not to “waste money”.

The supplements I’m thinking of buying are:

  • HGH. The one i saw on Amazon is GF-9
  • Magnesium Bisglycinate. Brand: bio Schawrtz.
  • L-Theanine. Brand: Sport research
  • Fish oil. Brand: Flameout
  • Punicalagins. Brand: P-well

I would like to know your opinion about these and the real effectiveness in order to maximize the strength, health and recovery. Should o buy all of these? Do i missed something?

Thanks in advance.

Most of the time, unless you have a deficiency, supplements are a waste of money and some may actually cause harm in the long run. I heard bad things about fish oils that might cause cancer.

The supplement industry is mostly a scam, unproven and bold claims with no clinical trial data on efficacy. With that said, creatine monohydrate gets an exception, which will help prevent age related muscle loss and may improve your strength. Creatine also increases DHT by 56% during the loading phase and 22% on maintenance doses.

Live your life, eat healthy and exercise should give you the greatest chance of living a full life.


This is spot on.

If you want to work on recovery and performance supplement stick to the basics. Whey protein. Fish oil. Creatine works but gives some people gastric distress.


Thank you for the info. I do take Creatine and yes, I know it’s very good.

About fish oil I read the article recently posted here Fish Oil Doubles Strength Increases.

About the HGH (human growth hormone) I read a post from KSman suggesting to take HGH in order to prevent testicular shrinkage and also enhance the effects of TRT. ( i can’t find the link to the post).

Punicalagins. Once again, another post here Punicalagin for Sex, Prostate, and Immunity stating that it’s a strong antioxidant and good for prostate health.

Magnesium. Reading post and articles, saying Bisglycinate helps recovery and better sleep. Same as L-Theanine (I read a post/article) here too.

So, in fact all information about these supplements I mostly took it from post and articles here in T-Nation. The information seemed backed by studies and honestly what I’m looking for is to maximize my training, recovery, strength and general health.

As said, thanks in advance and I hope to receive more comments from other fellow T-Nation mates.

This article might sound good on paper, but the details need more attention. I read the thread on punicalagins and it may amount to robbing Peter to pay Paul. Reductions in DHT are linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, low penis sensitivity, lower libido and poor erectile strength.

A member recently visited ExcelMale and had said he had been drinking green tea for many years because he heard it was healthy, drank several cups per day and started having problems that turned out to be very low DHT and is on TRT with high testosterone.

It just so happens green tea inhibits DHT and now he may be fu***** if he can’t make more 5a-reductase enzymes.

Like I said, be careful because being proactive can end up screwing you in the long run.

HGH is good stuff if you’re deficient. Either way the snake oil you have listed isn’t going to budge your HGH. Your best bet is trying one of the injectable peptides that stimulates further release or real HGH. Anything you can buy online is snake oil.


Please no


Regarding hgh, are you sure it wasn’t hcg?


Hi @swoops39 I can’t assure I’m not wrong. Anyways, I won’t buy it. hehe.

I0ve just checked and you are totally right! Is hCG. Yes. To prevent testicle shrink.

“hCG is a water based peptide hormone can be injected to replace the lost LH hormone that TRT shuts down. Without hCG, the LH receptors in the testes are no longer getting activated”

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