I have been reading this board for years and really like the scientific bend to all the articles. I have followed the advice of many contributors over the years and it all really works a long as it is applied.
This got me wondering. Does anyone know of supplements for athletes over 40? I see a lot of stuff for the younger crowd. I am 42 and I do not recover like I used to.
Well, I’m 39 in a few weeks and my good health and vigor supps are REZ-V, FA3, Flameout, Superfood, Curcumin 500, and ReceptorMax. Now I use other supps from Biotest, but the aforementioned ones I feel are vital to good health and keeping a man full of vim and vigor well into their later years.
[quote]alabita wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. I have been doing much of the same on a more limited scale. I was thinking more of a 1 stop supplement?
Any thoughts?[/quote]
The only thing I know of that’s a one-stop supplement is tons of healthy food. Short of that, there’s no miracle pill.
Curcumin. I really can’t believe how effective it’s been for me. Hijack alert. DCA, do you recommend the vitamin D with the fish oil cause of your albinoism,ie, indoor’s a lot or do you recommend it even for those in the sun a lot.
[quote]hel320 wrote:
Curcumin. I really can’t believe how effective it’s been for me. Hijack alert. DCA, do you recommend the vitamin D with the fish oil cause of your albinoism,ie, indoor’s a lot or do you recommend it even for those in the sun a lot.[/quote]
Shoot - if you have the benefit of beautiful sunny weather all the year around and live near the equator, you don’t need the kind of fish oil with Vit D. But that ain’t most of North America. You pretty much have to live at LA level and below to get enough sunlight to make your own D3 if you’re light-skinned. And dark-skinned people pretty much have to live ON the equator to get enough ultra-violet of sufficient strength to convert cholesterol to Vitamin D in sufficient amounts.
Add to this the fact that it’s extremely difficult to overdose Vit D (something North of 25,000 I.U. - wayyy North) it certainly can’t hurt to get it in fish oil as well as from sunlight.
Right on jimbo, I’m 44 tomorrow and I still feel like I’m in my twenties, even stronger. I don’t notice that recuperation has slowed, but my training is a lot smarter than when I was younger for sure.