I know that no matter how many supplements you take they cannot make up for a poor training schedule or poor diet. I think that my training schedule and diet are well developed enough to illicit growth and I would like a little extra endurance and strength and mass.
I have tried Cell Mass and NO-XPLODE and thankfully after becoming a member of this forum I found out how horrible these products were for creatine uptake and just my general health. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about their is a great article somewhere on this forum I guess just search for creatine supplementation.)
Anyways I have a couple quick questions:
What is the best creatine product on the market? I’m taking plan ol’ creatine monohydrate and I don’t know if that is the best.
I mix my creatine and L-glutamine in with my whey protein shake, is that good or bad?
What are the most essential supplements that I should take as someone looking for mass, strength and energy?
Is Surge really that good? I hear everybody talking about it on the forum and I’m thinking about trying it.
Thanks again in advance for all that respond.
(Does anybody know where I can get some cool avatars?)