In my experience, there are 3 supplements that everyone should take, and the rest all depend on whether you are cutting, bulking, maintenance, or training for a specific sport.
The three basics for anyone who is serious about working out:
1)whey protein, preferably isolate
2)a form of BCAAs, I take Purple Wraath pre and during workouts. Its amazing what the stuff does for energy and recovery
3)multi vitamins- they make up for any diet deficiencies
The honorable mentions, IMO, are EFA supplements, carnitine preworkout, glutamine, creatine, a fat burner (i use CLA) but all of these can be replaced by a strict diet.
It can’t be emphasized enough how much
a person’s diet affects their success in bodybuilding/losing weight.
Your set up looks good. On the Alpha Male one twice a day is the minimum dose. The full dose is two twice per day. That being said you may respond well to the lower dose but if not increase it to the full dose.
Pretty much the same with the Spike tablets see what dosing works for you. It might be what you outlined or just downing two before your workout.
Your Surge and Creatine combo postworkout is how I take it. I have used all of these and like em all. At the present time I use the Spike Shooters pre workout predominantly but still pop the tablets at other times.
Surge ? 3 level scoops, 93grms 16 servings per container. Take after training.
Metabolic Drive - 3scoops 83grms. After workout on an empty stomach ? morning and night.
I’m kinda in the same situation…figuring out what I want to order…so I’m curious…
So you take Surge after your workout AND Metabolic Drive?
At the same time? what’s the time gap between if not?
I usually train in the evenings after work, so I’m thinking of trying:
Surge pre and during workout
Surge + Creatine post workout
Metabolic Drive before bed (30mins-ish)
Is that similar to what you were planning? Does anyone else have thoughts comments on that “setup”
That looks good. Generally one to two hours after your post workout Surge and Creatine you should have a solid meal or protein shake which if I understand your post correctly you are doing with your shake. Looks fine.
Just received everything through the post listed above, only took a few days to ship from the US.
I now have an idea of what i have to take each day and when.
I have also added Fish oils x2 caps per day along with x2 multi vit’s…
Any comments on my overall intake welcome. Or on a diet that will compliment my supplements. I have been told to take 66% carbs 33% protein after the Metobolic Drive shortly after i train.
I plan to eat every two hours and to drink around 3-4 litres of water per day. Obviously my Diet will inc neccessary protein intake along with carbs (eaten no later than 6pm)
I also plan to train 5 days per week mon - friday with sat and sunday off. I am currently researching if it is beneficial to have a days rest in between more than likely wednesday.
I posted up a thread a while ago with my goal, current size and aims. Unfortunately i have been working away 12 hrs per day and never got to start.
I now have the time, supplements and a little more knowledge of what i need to do and more importantly what i havent done in the past…
I wil post a current pic over the weekend and start a 12 week programme with progression pictures, stats and updates starting this monday.
Any help, comments, or feecback + or - more than welcome.