Sudden Drop In Strength

Last week I was doing close grip bench presses with up to 225 lbs easy. Today I could barely press the same weight for one rep with a regular grip.

I know you can have bad days and all, but my 1 RM dropped somewhere between 30-40 lbs. Scary.

I was drinking quite heavy Saturday, could this maybe be the cause? Also, my triceps was feeling pretty sore.

The reason I’m writing is for someone to hopefully say something along the lines of “Calm down, it’s just temporary. Happens from time to time!”

Thanks in advance

Thanks alot!

Almost certainly due to dehydration. One of the smartest things Dan John has ever written “water is the most anabolic substance known”.

Dont train heavy triceps or shoulders prior to chest workouts. Do them days after chest.

If I hit shoulders and arms hard days before to soon I will watch my press weights fall.

also train your external rotators and stretch your chest. when mine is overly tight it doesn’t recover very well.

[quote]eraserhead wrote:

I was drinking quite heavy Saturday, could this maybe be the cause? Also, my triceps was feeling pretty sore.


If I drink alot on a Saturday I feel like I can’t really get a good workout till Tuesday. Now I either just don’t drink or stop before I ruin my Monday workout. All a matter of priorities for some. When I was younger it didn’t matter…now it matters.