Can’t find much via google on this question.
Lower back is pretty goofed and I seem to have trouble with regular deadlifts. Switched to sumo which has only helped minimally. I am doing lighter full cleans on one of my conditioning days.
Right now i am doing three days a week as
Day 1: squat 5/3/1, Bench 5/3/1, assistance work
Day 2: conditioning
Day 3: Lighter assistance work, light olympic work, conditioning
Day 4: conditioning
Day 5: Deadlift 5/3/1, OHP 5/3/1, assistance work
Day 6: rest
Day 7: Longer hikes with dog, skiing, biking, etc.
Only change would be changing the deadlifts to jefferson deadlifts, and lowering the % of max lifted to about 80% to compensate for double the volume since I will be hitting both sides.