Strongest Guy on my Block 4

Bro Back Day 2
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 06:36

Lunge (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lb × 30
Set 2: 50 lb × 30
Set 3: 50 lb × 30

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lb × 15
Set 2: 60 lb × 15
Set 3: 60 lb × 15

Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lb × 15
Set 2: 60 lb × 13
Set 3: 60 lb × 12
Set 4: 60 lb × 10

Skullcrusher (Barbell)
Set 1: 70 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 70 lb × 10
Set 4: 70 lb × 10

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log

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Feeling it today at HOTWORX (Houston, TX - Summerwood) didn’t hydrate enough. Ready to lose some weight go to for help. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #semaglutide #testosterone #hrt


Bro Back Day 3
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 07:07

Incline Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Chin Up
Set 1: 6 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Bent Over Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 15
Set 2: 40 lb × 15
Set 3: 40 lb × 15

Upright Row (Barbell)
Set 1: 70 lb × 15
Set 2: 70 lb × 15
Set 3: 70 lb × 15

Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Set 5: 10 reps
Set 6: 10 reps
Set 7: 10 reps
Set 8: 10 reps
Set 9: 10 reps
Set 10: 10 reps

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Rucking Wednesday! With 30# backpack. Had a positive review of 5 stars with a recent patient for helping them lose 30#’s and changing their life. can also help you #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt


Bro Back Day 4
Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 07:02

Squat (Barbell)
Set 1: 155 lb × 15
Set 2: 155 lb × 15
Set 3: 155 lb × 15
Set 4: 155 lb × 15

Good Morning (Barbell)
Set 1: 85 lb × 15
Set 2: 85 lb × 15
Set 3: 85 lb × 15

Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lb × 15
Set 2: 50 lb × 15
Set 3: 50 lb × 12
Set 4: 50 lb × 10

Chest Dip
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: 7 reps
Set 3: 7 reps
Set 4: 7 reps
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Evening sweat lodge at HOTWORX (Houston, TX - Summerwood) need a script for #semaglutide or #tirzepatide go to upper corner click on Klarity and sign up to see me. #cmdwellness


Bro Back Day 5
Friday, September 6, 2024 at 07:18

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Pull Up
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Deficit Deadlift (Barbell)
Set 1: 135 lb × 13
Set 2: 135 lb × 13
Set 3: 135 lb × 13
Set 4: 135 lb × 13

Upright Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 30 lb × 15
Set 3: 30 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Slant Board Sit-Ups
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 15 reps
Set 4: 15 reps
Set 5: 15 reps
Set 6: 15 reps
Set 7: 15 reps
Set 8: 15 reps
Set 9: 15 reps
Set 10: 15 reps

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Rucking in the rain with 30# backpack. Good day with patients and new patients signing up. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt


Rucking in the dark with 25# backpack. Do you challenge yourself physically? Daily? monthly? #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #Semaglutide #hrt


Bro Back Day 1
Monday, September 9, 2024 at 07:09

Bicep Curl (Barbell)
Set 1: 70 lb × 15
Set 2: 70 lb × 14
Set 3: 70 lb × 12
Set 4: 70 lb × 10

Bicep Laying DB Curl
Set 1: 20 lb × 12
Set 2: 20 lb × 12
Set 3: 20 lb × 12
Set 4: 20 lb × 12

T Bar Row
Set 1: 90 lb × 15
Set 2: 90 lb × 15
Set 3: 90 lb × 15
Set 4: 90 lb × 15

Lateral Raise (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Set 1: 0:55
Set 2: 0:55
Set 3: 0:55
Set 4: 0:55
Set 5: 0:55
Set 6: 0:55
Set 7: 0:55
Set 8: 0:55
Set 9: 0:55
Set 10: 0:55

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Monday Rucking with 30# backpack. Weather has been really beautiful in Houston. Get out and walk, take advantage of the sun. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt

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Bro Back Day 2
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 06:58

Lunge (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lb × 30
Set 2: 50 lb × 30
Set 3: 50 lb × 30

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lb × 15
Set 2: 60 lb × 15
Set 3: 60 lb × 15

Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lb × 15
Set 2: 60 lb × 15
Set 3: 60 lb × 12
Set 4: 60 lb × 10

Skullcrusher (Barbell)
Set 1: 70 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 70 lb × 12
Set 4: 70 lb × 10

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Rucking Tuesday with 30# backpack. Had a great walk talking to my brother for this hour. Was a suggestion by Dr Mike and like to use for my patients. is ready and taking on new patients in Texas and Houston. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #Testosterone #Semaglutide #hrt


Bro Back Day 3
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 07:04

Incline Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 25 lb × 15
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Chin Up
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Bent Over Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 15
Set 2: 40 lb × 15
Set 3: 40 lb × 15

Upright Row (Barbell)
Set 1: 70 lb × 15
Set 2: 70 lb × 15
Set 3: 70 lb × 15

Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Set 5: 10 reps
Set 6: 10 reps
Set 7: 10 reps
Set 8: 10 reps
Set 9: 10 reps
Set 10: 10 reps

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Rucking Wednesday. How much is your health worth? Would you give up fast food for a month? can help. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt


Bro Back Day 4
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 06:55

Squat (Barbell)
Set 1: 155 lb × 15
Set 2: 155 lb × 15
Set 3: 175 lb × 15
Set 4: 155 lb × 15

Good Morning (Barbell)
Set 1: 85 lb × 15
Set 2: 85 lb × 15
Set 3: 85 lb × 15

Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lb × 15
Set 2: 50 lb × 15
Set 3: 50 lb × 12
Set 4: 50 lb × 10

Chest Dip
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: 7 reps
Set 3: 7 reps
Set 4: 7 reps
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log


Rucking Thursday! Walking is cheap. Take advantage of the weather when you can. can help you achieve your goals. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt


Bro Back Day 5
Friday, September 13, 2024 at 07:05

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 30 lb × 12
Set 3: 25 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Pull Up
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Deficit Deadlift (Barbell)
Set 1: 135 lb × 13
Set 2: 135 lb × 13
Set 3: 135 lb × 13
Set 4: 135 lb × 13

Upright Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 15
Set 2: 30 lb × 15
Set 3: 30 lb × 15
Set 4: 25 lb × 15

Slant Board Sit-Ups
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 15 reps
Set 4: 15 reps
Set 5: 15 reps
Set 6: 15 reps
Set 7: 15 reps
Set 8: 15 reps
Set 9: 15 reps
Set 10: 15 reps

Workout Notes: All reps done with TUT 4:1:1
Strong - Workout Tracker & Gym Log

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Friday night Work! HOTWORX (Houston, TX - Summerwood) got our sweat on burning calories. can help you burn more. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt


Saturday Rucking! Get it, get up and do it. can help. #cmdwellness #tirzepatide #testosterone #semaglutide #hrt