Strongest Guy on my Block 4


Warm-Up 500 meter row, dislocates, foam roll, 135 and 225 Sumo DL warm up

315 X 15 X Sumo DL (Unbroken)
400 meter run
315 X 12 X Sumo DL (Unbroken)
300 meter run
315 X 9 X Sumo DL (Unbroken)
200 meter run
315 X 6 X Sumo DL (Unbroken)
100 meter run
315 X 3 X Sumo DL (Unbroken)

15 minutes

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Apollo1029 wrote Damn Derek those lifting running intervals look killer. How did the dieting go? Did you post any before and after pics?

Thanks, I did, nothing really spectacular I dropped the scale pounds. I have kept the scale weight the same and put on some LBM doing these type of workouts.

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Sweet workouts in here Derek.( meant in previous logs as this one has one post so far…)

I am about done with my version of “crossfit” it is based on building strength while at the same time staying or getting really fit!

I am bets testing it now with me and a group of people.

did you ever pick up your Oly shoes?

Are you Barbell lifts done with Bumpers or steel plates?


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Unbroken means no rest… GOOD FUCKING WORK!

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No on Oly shoes (to do list)
Bumper plates
Thanks each round got harder for sure on those last few reps


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

135 X 12 X Thrusters
45 bar X 800 meter run
135 X 10 X Bent over rows

Three rounds = 35 min all outside


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Cant see the picture

Yeah, don’t know why. It was the T-Rex making the bed.


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

Floor Press
135 X 3 X 5
185 X 2 X 5
205 X 2 X 5

135 X 2 X 5
155 X 1 X 3
165 X 1 X 3
185 X 1 X 3
205 X 1 X 3

Klokov Press
45 X 1 X 10
65 X 1 X 10
75 X 1 X 10
95 X 1 X 10
115 X 1 X 10

Done. Will be in hotel till Friday afternoon out of town for work. It will be hotel treadmill the rest of the week.


Treadmill 4 miles

Kind of took a break this week, let the body kind of heal up. Been eating strict this week also. Next week we are on vacation so I just plan to run around and play in the sun.

You’ve really been putting in some hardcore work. Very impressive.


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

135 X 15 X Power Snatch
100 jump ropes
50 sit-ups
135 X 15 X Power Snatch
100 jump ropes
40 sit-ups
135 X 15 X Power Snatch
100 jump ropes
30 sit-ups
135 X 15 X Power Snatch
100 jump ropes
20 sit-ups
135 X 15 X Power Snatch
100 jump ropes
10 sit-ups

35 minutes

[quote]Crippler56 wrote:
You’ve really been putting in some hardcore work. Very impressive. [/quote]
Thank you sir.

Just trying to stay young


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

185 X 10 X Floor press
135 X 8 X Military press
800 meter run
185 X 10 X Floor press
135 X 5 X Military press
800 meter run
185 X 10 X Floor press
135 X 5 X Military press
800 meter run
185 X 10 X Floor press
135 X 5 X Push Press
800 meter run
185 X 8 X Floor press
135 X 5 X Push Press
800 meter run
185 X 5 X Floor press
135 X 5 X Push Press
800 meter run

40 minutes. Too much beer and vacation feeling it today.


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

95 X 3 X 3 X Overhead Squat
115 X 2 X 3 X Overhead Squat
135 X 2 X 3 X Snatch
155 X 2 X 3 X Snatch
185 X 2 X 3 X Snatch High Pull
185 X 2 X 3 X Power clean (knee is bothering me from Vacation long story)
225 X 2 X 3 X Snatch DL
245 X 2 X 3 X Snatch DL
275 X 1 X 3 X Snatch DL
295 X 1 X 2 X Snatch DL


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

BroTastic Workout

75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run
75 X 10 X BB curls
BW X 10 X Roman Chair SitUps
800 meter run

50 minutes was not in a rush today, it was FUCKING HUMID this morning.


500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

Front Squat
135 X 3 X 5
185 X 2 X 5
205 X 2 X 5
225 X 1 X 3
245 X 1 X 3
255 X 1 X 3
275 X 1 X 3
295 X 1 X 1
325 X 1 X 1 PR

Back Squat
225 X 1 X 20

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

500 meter row, dislocates and foam roll

Front Squat
135 X 3 X 5
185 X 2 X 5
205 X 2 X 5
225 X 1 X 3
245 X 1 X 3
255 X 1 X 3
275 X 1 X 3
295 X 1 X 1
325 X 1 X 1 PR

Back Squat
225 X 1 X 20[/quote]

Really nice work man! Congrats on the PR!