Strong and Sleek!

Hi !

I took a T-Nation break, but I’m back! I’ve got a food plan - never followed a strict plan before. I always figured I could do “better,” or “I’ll just substitute this & that.”

So here’s the plan. I’m on Day 4 of 6 weeks.

Daily Food Totals
Vegetables … 550 grams
Oatmeal …130 grams
Sweet Potatoes … 300 grams
Whey Protein … 2 scoops
Chicken … 285 grams
Apple … 1 medium
Olive Oil … 4 teaspoons
Wheat Bread … 1slice


Meal 1

Oatmeal …130
Whey Protein …1 scoop w/water
Olive Oil … 4 teaspoons
Wheat Bread … 1 slice

Meal 2
Chicken … 95 grams
Vegetables … 137 grams
Sweet Potatoes … 100 grams

Meal 3
Vegetables … 137 grams
Whey Protein … 1 scoop w/water
Apple … … 1 medium

Meal 4
Chicken … 95 grams
Vegetables … 137 grams
Sweet Potatoes … 100 grams

Meal 5
Chicken … 95 grams
Vegetables … 137 grams
Sweet Potatoes … 100 grams

1 gallon of water per day.    The bodybuilder who designed it said "one cheat meal per week"  but then wrote on the sheet of paper "one cheat day per week."

He's been in a competition for the last few days, so I don't have clarification on 1 cheat meal, or if he really means one whole cheat day. 

I am 5’ 5" 164 lbs on my home scale. I am pretty happy with my body, but damn I just really wanna see what I can do! I’m a size 10. I have a slim stomach. I have strong thighs, and strong glutes.

When I lift, Mon/Weds/Friday I do:

Deadlifts 25 lb dumb bell each hand 3 x 20
Squats 25 lb dumb bell each hand 3 x 15

Chinups (body weight) 3 total on a normal day. Sometimes I pull the muscle along the lower part of my right rib cage. On a good day I can do 5.

Pushups (body weight) 3 x 20
tricep dips 15 lb DB, 3 x 12
hammer curls 17.5 lb DB, 3 x 15
flys 17.5 lb DB, 3 x 15
Lat pulldowns (alternative if I don’t do chinups) 120 lb 3 x 12

I mix up the upper body part of my workout, depending on how I feel.

On Tuesday, Thursday, Sat and Sunday I either swim, or do HIIT sprints, or 45 min treadmill at 3.5 incline with 3.5 speed, or 45 min elliptical at 6.0 resistance. I’ve been doing this type of workout since 2005. Remember the old Fahrenheit commercials?! That’s how I found T-Nation!

I have an alternative bar to lift with at home. My home deadlift bar has 135 lbs right now. I just bought a 7’ Olympic bar at Goodwill for $ 7 (RAAAWWWWR!) so I can FINALLY go back to doing 90 # on the olympic bar. If I lift at home, I switch to jump squats with a 25# plate held to my chest, and I do some rows where I lift a 45# & a 25# plate to my chest (along with smaller DB work).

It’s awesome that you came back to start a log. You’re crazy strong too, those lat pulldowns are crazy.

That Olympic bar was a good steal, congrats :slight_smile: I look forward to following your log.


Ok, last piece of info. We have a weight loss program at work. Their hand-held electronic thingy says that I have BMI of 28.9%, body fat 35.1% and they seem rather fond of telling me that I am “quite obese.” They don’t know that I’m doing this food plan. They say that more than 6 ounces of protein a day is too much for me. They also say that I should not get my heart rate above 120 at any time. They say that I MUST take one day a week off.

So - - I’ll post kitty cat pictures to invite feedback, if you’d like! One thing I am NOT willing to do is to take a day a week off. I don’t want one. I have read all the stuff indicating that it’s a good idea. But that’s not me. I’m kinda stubborn. Is this a good time to mention that I was in the USMC? Or that I just turned Forty years old and LOVIN’ IT ?!

XOXO to Hot Rockin Vixens ! OuroBoro, OG, GrnEyes, Rhonda, kudos! I missed my fun friends!!

thats how I found these forums too! I was a part of the f-heit forum first, :smiley:

Good to “see,” you!!

Hi Mom in MD - been kind of following your progress. ;o) Nice to see you, too.

Nikki - Bah-BANG with the Bootie, girl! Awesome! Nice to meet you. (Oops. I should have said that before talking about bootie.) Dang it - I have no manners at all. Hee hee.

Hi Renee! I’ll look forward to following your progress.

Haha isn’t that how convos go now; bootie then hi :wink:

And personally, I think that BF toy is BS. I’m sure you have quite a bit of muscle with the numbers you do. But once you put anything above 115 in a machine like that, you’re going to be fat.

Any more protein than a chicken breast a day and training more than 4 times a week will kill you. rolls eyes
Just smile to their face, and laugh behind their back, that’s what I do.

I’d love to see pics of you! :slight_smile:
And it’s not b/c you look and sound like a hottie. This is for pure feedback reasons.

Edit: Should have pics soon. A before & after. ;o)

HIIIIIII nice to meet you and your log.
Tell the people at work to go FUCK right off.
jealous of your $7 steal. awesome.


welcome to the compound, leatherneck.

hell yeah on the $7 oly bar find!! iron bargains almost make me drool as much as food porn.

Hot damn!!

It sounds like you’re ready to kick out the jams:)

Have a good time… Make sure your seatbelts are fastened…

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
I just bought a 7’ Olympic bar at Goodwill for $ 7 (RAAAWWWWR!)

fuckin Win!

I would never find cool stuff like that at my good will.

[quote]melanieamber12 wrote:
HIIIIIII nice to meet you and your log.
Tell the people at work to go FUCK right off.
jealous of your $7 steal. awesome.


Hi Mel ! Thank you ~ I’m looking forward to weighing in on Thursday (one week). I should have another appt with the “MOVE program” (the weight loss people) in about a month. I work for a hospital, and it’s part of my health plan. I’m glad they’re available, but even they tell me that they’re used to people with diabetes, heart disease, etc. I check out 110% fit. (Yay!)

[quote]melanieamber12 wrote:
HIIIIIII nice to meet you and your log.
Tell the people at work to go FUCK right off.
jealous of your $7 steal. awesome.


Hi Mel ! Thank you ~ I’m looking forward to weighing in on Thursday (one week). I should have another appt with the “MOVE program” (the weight loss people) in about a month. I work for a hospital, and it’s part of my health plan. I’m glad they’re available, but even they tell me that they’re used to people with diabetes, heart disease, etc. I check out 110% fit. (Yay!)

[quote]nlmain wrote:

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
I just bought a 7’ Olympic bar at Goodwill for $ 7 (RAAAWWWWR!)

fuckin Win!

I would never find cool stuff like that at my good will.

I got lucky!

Kimba2, Dejavu, CBear ~ grins, yeah… it’s all good! Thank you! Missed ya, CBear

Hungry ~ 13,000 posts? 75% of them cat pix?! RAWWWR, hun! Love that one. It definitely IS time to kick ass & make miraculous muscle - cuz you know “they” all think we get the nice muscles by magic, right? LOL. Time to sculpt!

[quote]reneeweimer wrote:
Hungry ~ 13,000 posts? 75% of them cat pix?! RAWWWR, hun! Love that one. It definitely IS time to kick ass & make miraculous muscle - cuz you know “they” all think we get the nice muscles by magic, right? LOL. Time to sculpt![/quote]

75%? Um, that’s a possibility.

It sounds like you’re rarin’ to go! (as usual)

It’s nice to see you around here, again…