As you can see I’ve been around for awhile
Most(if not all!) of my T-Nation career has been centered around losing weight.
I’ve been chasing those last 10-15lbs for awhile and I’m getting tired. Losing weight isn’t fun.
Being stuck at a weight you still aren’t happy with, with your goals juuust within reach isn’t fun either.
It’s time to change that.
Will I be happier with my body in another 10lbs? Tbh, I don’t know.
But at least I will know that I worked to accomplish a goal and then I can go from there.
I’m not sure how much I weigh at the moment. I got mad at my scale awhile back and I picked it up over my head and smashed it to the ground
Just to recap, by the end of this year I will be down 70-80 lbs…depending on much more I lose.
It was a long road getting here. I probably made it more complicated than it had to be. But I wouldn’t have learned as much if I had just lost all the weight over night.
The hubby is leaving again this Saturday for the long haul. May 2011 couldn’t get here any faster.
I will keep a steady hand at the helm…
There is no doubt you’ll reach your goal. You’ve gotten this far, right?! You’re an inspiration to a lot of us, you know! Glad you had some time with the hubby before he had to go for real. We’ll try and keep you company while he’s gone, okay?
btw, i hope you’re never REALLY finished. we’ll always have SOMETHING to work on. not to say you can’t be happy with what you have, but there’s always another way to be better, and that’s what drives us. new goals, higher expectations, better than yesterday.
this, dear, is a stepping stone. one of many on a long, long path.
CB- I agree! if we become content then we will not strive to learn and change more(and lift heavier shit!). Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
Took my bike out this morning. 45 minutes! Not bad for my first time outside of this neighborhood; which is basically a 1/4 mile circle.
I used to ride and ride(and ride some more) on my bike all over the place as a kid out in Vegas. That was back when houses were still miles apart and there was still desert left. Used to ride horsies too.
Cal- thanks…there never seems to be enough time…but we don’t take a single moment for granted. Even amongst the craziness that is our children and the everyday grind we are making memories. And I can still look at him and remember when we were young once too
Grn and Masch- thanks! That means a lot. Really, it does!
Alpha- my favorite MD internet pal…you still working on getting that gym together that you mentioned before?
Hiya Inky
Btw- CB…I HAVE been eating and eating some more. Some restraint has been involved, but I’ve definitely been eating crap that I dont normally eat. I’ll probably drop 10 lbs of water when the hubby leaves.
So when the hubby leaves(again), it will be a good time to clean up the diet and make habits for when he does return for good.
I mentioned before that in the past I would bust ass to lose weight while he’s on deployments only to get lazy and gain it all back within a year after he returns.
Not again!
I don’t plan on jumping into crazy dieting mode as soon as he leaves. I’ll give myself a couple weeks of just clean eating. I miss my protein and veggy meals!! And he just bought two big bags of my favorite mixed fruit. Plus two bags of mixed berries. Can’t let that go to waste!
After we are settled back into our routine is when I’ll get more aggressive with the diet. Training will mostly remain the same, but with the added bonus of being able to go on walks and bike rides in the mornings while the kids are at school.
I forgot to mention the crazy dream I had the other night. I was prepping for a figure comp at the last minute. My suit didn’t fit, I was flabby, and untanned. I didn’t know how to pose and I didn’t look like I had ever picked up a weight in my life.
I woke up before I got on stage, whew.