What stretches/exercises can I do to loosen up my very tight shoulders? If I clasp my hands behind my back, the top front of both shoulders is painful and tight. My doctor thinks it’s bursitis and prescribed an anti-inflammatory, but I’d rather fix the root of the problem instead of covering it up with an drugs.
I work at a computer all day and have noticed my shoulders round forward. I try to sit up straight and keep my shoulders back and I’m trying the Neanderthal No More workout. Any other suggestions? The stiffness and pain are really hampering my workouts.
[quote]sbearnso wrote:
What stretches/exercises can I do to loosen up my very tight shoulders? If I clasp my hands behind my back, the top front of both shoulders is painful and tight. My doctor thinks it’s bursitis and prescribed an anti-inflammatory, but I’d rather fix the root of the problem instead of covering it up with an drugs.
I work at a computer all day and have noticed my shoulders round forward. I try to sit up straight and keep my shoulders back and I’m trying the Neanderthal No More workout. Any other suggestions? The stiffness and pain are really hampering my workouts.[/quote]
Go with the anti-inflammatory. You want that taken care of first. Take them for 10 days or something. In the meantime, rest your upper body, don’t do any shoulder or pec work for at least 3 weeks.
You can start stretching the pecs and shoulders after getting of the anti-inflammatory.
I swear by Overhead Broomstick Dislocations and Scap Pushups.
[quote]sbearnso wrote:
What stretches/exercises can I do to loosen up my very tight shoulders? If I clasp my hands behind my back, the top front of both shoulders is painful and tight. My doctor thinks it’s bursitis and prescribed an anti-inflammatory, but I’d rather fix the root of the problem instead of covering it up with an drugs.
I work at a computer all day and have noticed my shoulders round forward. I try to sit up straight and keep my shoulders back and I’m trying the Neanderthal No More workout. Any other suggestions? The stiffness and pain are really hampering my workouts.[/quote]
full, ass to the grass overhead squat. use a broomstick at first…once a week or so i’ve been taking 50 or 60Kg, sitting into the bottom position, and holding that position for 30 - 60 seconds. simply amazing. my shoulders and upper back have never been in such good condition.
This may sound like shameless promotion, but you should really consider the Inside-Out DVD and manual that are offered here in the Biotest online store (upper left hand corner of your screen). It covers a ton of mobility drills to keep your shoulders feeling good.
[quote]TheWookie wrote:
I swear by Overhead Broomstick Dislocations and Scap Pushups.
If you can perform the shoulder dislocations, the problem is already on its way to full recovery. When you have a serious impingment, no way will you be able to do a single shoulder dislocate.
[quote]suuuperdave wrote:
full, ass to the grass overhead squat. use a broomstick at first…once a week or so i’ve been taking 50 or 60Kg, sitting into the bottom position, and holding that position for 30 - 60 seconds. simply amazing. my shoulders and upper back have never been in such good condition. [/quote]
This is good advice. Doing back squats and barbell step-ups with the bar resting far down your upper back helps get your shoulders more flexible.